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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir

February 4, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) issued a statement on Thursday morning decrying what it described as “persistent targeting” by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Sudan and president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

bashiraddis.jpgOn Wednesday the five-member appeal chamber reversed a majority decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber that excluded the crime of genocide from the arrest warrant issued for the Sudanese president but kept the counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo accused Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa, something which Khartoum vehemently denies labeling the accusations leveled at the Sudanese president as “lies” and a “Western conspiracy”.

Ocampo filed a challenge afterwards arguing that the Pre-Trial judges used a higher evidentiary threshold than is required at this stage of the proceedings in determining whether Bashir had genocidal intent.

“The Pre-Trial Chamber applied an erroneous standard of proof when evaluating the evidence submitted by the Prosecutor and, consequently, rejected his application for a warrant of arrest in respect of the crime of genocide. Therefore, the decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber not to issue a warrant of arrest in respect of that crime was materially affected by an error of law. It is therefore appropriate to reverse the Impugned Decision to that extent” the appeal chamber written decision read.

The case has been sent back to the Pre-Trial chamber to review the case anew and enter a new decision consistent with today’s ruling. The judges may take anywhere between a few weeks to one year before they complete their reconsideration of the genocide counts.

Sudan’s ruling party reiterated the country’s position that they do not recognize the jurisdiction of the court and threatening to repeat the scenario of expelling agencies that “exceed the law and violate the sovereignty and pride of Sudanese people”.

Following the March, 2009 ICC indictments, the Sudanese president expelled a dozen aid groups from Darfur accusing them of supplying false info to the Hague based court.

The NCP said that the timing of the decision coincides with peace talks in Doha and the April elections and urged the Sudanese people to ignore the court and focus on national building issues. The party led by Bashir hailed the African Union, Arab League, Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and other groups in backing Sudan against the ICC moves.

Ocampo welcomed the decision and warned Bashir he needed to “get a lawyer,” adding he would present fresh evidence to the court in a second bid to have Bashir charged with genocide.

“Expelling humanitarian assistance is a great element of his genocidal intentions,” Moreno-Ocampo told Reuters.

“When he expelled these people who were providing the water and the food he confirmed his intention to destroy his people. So I would like to present this new aspect of the case.”

Several Rights groups around the world hailed today’s decision saying it brings the justice issue into the spotlight.

“Today’s decision is a strong reminder that President al-Bashir is wanted for heinous crimes committed in Darfur,” Elise Keppler, Human Rights Watch’s International Justice Program senior counsel, said in a release. “President al-Bashir is a fugitive from justice who needs to appear in The Hague to answer to the allegations against him.”

Amnesty International senior legal advisor Christopher Hall echoed the same position.

“I think little by little, the vice is closing in on him and at some point he will have to face a trial in the International Criminal Court in the same way that President Milosevic or President Taylor or numerous other officials from Rwanda and Sierra Leone have had to face trials,” said Christopher Hall.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson said in Ghana that Bashir should go to the ICC to face justice. “We think that President Bashir should present himself to the court to face charges,” Carson told reporters.

There was no reaction so far from any of Bashir’s backers in the Arab, African or Islamic states.

Darfur’s main rebel group welcomed the ICC’s decision, saying it is the logical conclusion to be made.

“The destruction that was inflicted upon Darfuris speaks for itself. It was not a conventional warfare. Bashir was in charge and he had publicly told the army that he does not want any prisoners or wounded from Darfur” JEM official spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam told Sudan Tribune from Doha.

Adam reiterated that the ruling will have no impact on the political process currently underway with Khartoum.

“The legal path is separate from the political one. Justice and peace go hand in hand but as far as JEM is concerned peace remains our strategic objective and our position is unchanged. The ICC is an independent institution carrying out a legal task” he said.

Bashir flew to Qatar today on a brief visit in which he met with the ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani . Sudanese state minister for foreign affairs said that the talks tackled the stalled peace talks hosted by Qatar between Khartoum and Darfur rebel groups.



  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    Hi Dear Readers,

    The Khartoum thugs are now crying seriously, things are getting tough. Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    What a good news! You guys will keep on crying till your ass….
    With Ocambo Luis Morino, there is no joke! It is just that way, in plain language.

    Be blessed,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism and corruption.

  • kumkan

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    You might tried every possible step to try to get away from this but for God;s will you will pay the price for the agony you had cause the Southerners.

  • babadit

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    I am really sorry for what the NIF/NCP is talking about. Al Bashir must stand trial for what he had done in Darfur region


    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    I don’t know actually why the ICC is not speeding up the ruling out of an Arrestment of Omar Bashir? Time is running out otherwise the proposal of an Arrestment of Omar Bashir by the ICC will be a word of mouth. It is indeed true that Omar Bashir need to see the court since he is not associating himself with rules or principles of his people.

    After all, I hope that Salva Kiir Miyardit will not open his mouth again or send any letter to any source agent for the seek to help Omar Bashir from going to jail. Distanining of Salva Kiir Miyardit from this reckless is the right choice with which he can adopt and get himself out of Omar Bashir’s consequenies.

  • kitir

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    Condemnation, what any person or evrybody else expecting from the genocidaire, who unleashed the callous Janjaaweed militia to exterminate the uncovered civilians in their quite villages the only crime they committed is that God given them black skin, it very interesting as Darfurian to hear such decision from Occampo , the next step to prevent this killer from running the forthcoming vote by pursuing all the legal means or to deprive him from our voices in the ballot : if they fraud the election as expected .we as Sudanese should resort to other more violent means to send away this notorious murderers to keep the country in harmony and united.

  • telfajbago

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    The NCP and it’s militias are adamant to continue the genocide against the innocent civilians of Darfur; nevertheless, they are crying fools accusing the ICC and the West of targeting them, what Arab’s arragant and ellusiveness. The orders of Al Bashir to the Army that, he did not want any wounded freedom fighter or captive in 2004 was agenocidal intent live a side the explusion of the International NGOs the main feeders of the victimised people, the people killed,tortured to death and the destruction of the entire livilhood. Mr. fugitive President the genocide is hanging on your neck, prepare yourself to behave like a man to face it although Iam sure that, you will behave like your ancesstor Al-Makk Nimir of Jallein tribe, who entered the history books from the back door, after his conspircy and running a way.

  • telfajbago

    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    The NCP and it’s militias are adamant to continue the genocide against the innocent civilians of Darfur; nevertheless, they are crying fools accusing the ICC and the West of targeting them, what Arab’s arragant and ellusiveness. The orders of Al Bashir to the Army that, he did not want any wounded freedom fighter or captive in 2004 was agenocidal intent live a side the explusion of the International NGOs the main feeders of the victimised people, the people killed,tortured to death and the destruction of the entire livilhood. Mr. fugitive President the genocide is hanging on your neck, prepare yourself to behave like a man to face it although Iam sure that, you will behave like your ancesstor Al-Makk Nimir of Jallein tribe, who entered the history books from the back door, after his conspircy and running a way.


    Sudan ruling NCP condemns ICC decision against Bashir
    Thugs failed in all sides to save their fugitive Bashir. Few days ago they went back to their last card of tribal influence and collected Fur tribe opportunists and blood suckers of their people in Addis Ababa, to save the fugitive after being paid money. The funny thing is that ater they guarnteed the money in their accounts they promised Bashir the convict, that Fur will forgive him and then the ICC will have no excuse to take him to court.

    But the Fur leaders assembled in Addis Ababa and met Bashir have forgotten that Sudan Liberation Movement is not tribal movement. We are not Fur so what will we get from that meeting; while our objectives are so big to rule Sudan not just Darfur.

    However, Dirage Ibrahim who took Jalabas and left Dr. Johon Garang in the bush is today going back to his masters Jalabas, to just appoint him a Wali of Darfur not even to stand for the Presidency of Sudan. Please dear marginalized tell me how can we remake the minds of our old marginalized leaders to stop fearing and worshipping Jalabas?

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