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Sudan Tribune

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France welcomes Doha peace framework, urges Al-Nur to join talks

February 24, 2010 (PARIS) — France welcomed the signing of a framework agreement between Sudanese government and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement urging SLM leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur to join the peace process.

The agreement signed yesterday establishes a ceasefire in the restive region between the Sudanese army and JEM rebels; it also provides the release of JEM members detained in Sudanese prisons. They parties have also in accordance to the deal engaged direct talks to finalize the details of the agreement particularly in the areas of power and wealth sharing.

“France welcomes the signing yesterday in Doha of a framework agreement between the Sudanese government and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), which is an important step towards” a final and inclusive peace agreement, said Bernard Valero, the foreign ministry spokesperson on Wednesday.

Valero also reiterated the support of the French government to the Qatari government and the Joint Chief Mediator. He further praised their efforts with Chadian government to reach this deal.

He also urged the Paris based rebel leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur to abandon his intransigence and join the negotiating table in Doha for the interest of Darfur people.

“We renew our call on all the rebel leaders, particularly Mr. Nur, to join as quickly as possible these crucial negotiations for peace in Darfur. Maintaining his intransigence and its inflexibility are incomprehensible and contrary to the interests of the people of Darfur. This is the message we are passing him steadily” Valero emphasized.

Al-Nur yesterday said described the deal as “ceremonial” and reiterated his rejection to peace process unless Khartoum provides security to Darfur civilians and disarms its militias.



  • Time1

    France welcomes Doha peace framework, urges Al-Nur to join talks
    It is good to see France ask Rwanda for forgiveness and reconciliation after the genocide in Rwanda.

    France did help plan and commit the genocide but it is very good that they have learn their lessons and decided to apologise and see reconciliation, there is nothing wrong with apology and reconciliation , it only makes things better.

  • Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus
    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

    France welcomes Doha peace framework, urges Al-Nur to join talks
    This agreement is not going to bring real peace to Darfuri. This is just a lipstick on the Sudan national elections and 2011 referendum and the ICC arrest warrant. South Sudan went through the same process from 1972( Abel Alier Addis Ababa agreement), 1997 (Riak Machar Khartoum agreement) and 2005 (John Garang-Nifasha CPA which is not yet been implemented fully).

    Why did i say it is not a real peace agreement? Because this kind of peace agreement is exactly like DR. Lam Akol ( Fashoda agreement), Arok Thon Arok and Dr. Riak Machar’s Khartoum peace agreement of 1997.

    It will never bear any fruit of peace such as security; development, roads, schools, economic prosperity and respect for human rights.

    This agreement will weaken the Darfuri movement for sometime as the so called Khartoum peace agreement weaken SPLA/M for a short period of time before the real peace (CPA) agreement was signed in 2005.

    JEM leaders will be like Riak Machar, Paulino Matip, and Lam Akol later when the real Darfuri CPA is signed.

    This agreement is a prayer on the judgment day, it is too late, Omaaar Hosaan will never escape the ICC arrest warrant or win national elections no matter what the US, Canada, France and UN said.

    However, the real Darfuri CPA will be signed after 2011 Referendum when Darfuri movements are united as one movement and supported by the Republic of New Sudan (RONS).

    The South- North CPA was negotiated for 2 years. This JEM and NCP agreement is only negotiated for 2 weeks like Dr. Riak Machar’s Khartoum peace. JEM will be back to Darfur soon or NCP will kill JEM leader like Dr. John Garang.

    Thank God for Salva Kiir, CPA would have been dishonored long time ago by the NCP. Darfuri should ask themselves this question. Who will lead JEM ,if Khalil Ibrahim is assassinated?

    This peace agreement is so cheap and can be dishonored within 2 weeks only.

    The same UN members who welcomes Omaar Hosaan moved will condemn the NCP tomorrow when OMaar changed his mind and goes back to war aginst Darfuri.

    Let’s watch this old movie of the NCP’s deceptive peace agreement policy to buy time from Southerners, Darfuri, UN, US, AU and EU.

    As long as this NCP policy of signing a peace and not implementing it deceives both the West and Sudanese; we will continue to see many peace agreements signed by NCP.

    This is their last policy of survival. They can not afford to fight SPLA and JEM simultaneously.

    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

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