Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession

July 13, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The ruler of the Gulf state of Qatar pointed blame at some Arab states saying they have been supporting the ex-rebels in South Sudan in their pursuit of an independent state.

Qatar's Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani  (Reuters)
Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani (Reuters)
Southerners are to vote in a January 2011 referendum that could lead to the creation of a new state, which has vast and largely untapped natural resources, including oil.

The referendum is a central plank of a 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)that ended more than two decades of war between Sudan’s north and south. The semi-autonomous region is still recovering from the war during which about two million people were killed, in a conflict fuelled by religion, ethnicity, ideology and resources like oil.

The Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani who made the remarks is currently on a visit to Sana’a in a bid to initiate mediation between the Yemeni government and its southern opponents amid escalating separatist violence in the south of the Arab country.

Al-Thani warned of the negative effects of separation on Yemen citing the example of Sudan.

“Sudan is paying the price of separation and, unfortunately there were Arab countries that joined Southerners in their endeavor to secede,” said Qatari Emir.

However, Al-Thani did not specify which countries he was referring to in one of his rare comments on the issue of South Sudan, similar to other Arab Gulf state leaders who never made public remarks on the referendum.

Qatar is currently hosting the peace talks between the Sudanese government and Darfur rebels which observers say is part of its efforts to play a larger regional role in resolving conflicts in hotspots such as Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.

The growing Qatari clout has however, drawn silent dissatisfaction from heavyweight Arab countries namely Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

A year ago, South Sudan president Salva Kiir quoted the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as telling him that Southerners would be better off if they split from the North adding that he British colonial power made a mistake when they allowed South Sudan to be part of the North when the country gained its independence in January 1956.

The remarks drew strong rebuke from Khartoum and Tripoli afterwards denied statements attributed to Gaddafi saying it reflects “a significant misunderstanding and confusion”.

Many Arab, African and even Western countries are wary of a new state in the South fearing that will not be a sustainable one but marred with violence, tribal conflicts, poverty and poor government.



  • Dr.Agany

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    All Arabs should shut up and mind their own business!!! They haven’t even won their war with the West. Time is up and south sudan is leaving. That long extension of Arabism is vanishing now, truth can be told!!

  • Bol Bol
    Bol Bol

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    I am not sure how intelligent this sheik is but he surely got it all wrong. He should be thankful for those Arab countries (if there is any) he accusing for supporting the South. It’s because of their support that encourages some southerners to call for Unity and some for confederation. If all Arabs have united behind the Islamist in Khartoum, Sudan would have split into 4 different countries long ago. The blind sheik also talked about the price Northerners are paying but he forgot to mention about what brought about the price in the first place. I thought the sheikh should be wise enough to understand that for every action, there is equally or greater reaction. Anyone who does not like to pay the price must not do or take services. The concept is that simple.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    To hell with Qatar, what is your business with South Sudan secession? I understand that such statements are released in relation to the $ 300million fund from Egyptian government for electricity and water sources. But let me be clear that our separation has nothing to do with Egyptian money, whether we are poor or rich we will take the opportunity of separation, we’re tired of war because of losing so much. Our resources properties and minerals are being exploded during the war by foreign arabs in Sudan, enough of arabs. Sometimes I don’t feel like viewing the arab countries in one basket, however in some situation it’s base on your stupidity. At this point we will be united and pursuit peace for ourselves in South. The minor insecurity and corruption facing us in South will be overcomes once we rid the government of black arabs in South. Kiir and his mongrel corrupt fellows is not a threat at all. Democratic Change is coming to South.

  • Kur

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    Can this tribal leader shut up. Your tiny village should have been part of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia or any other country in the Gulf. South Sudan has nothing to link it with the North. It was a colonial mistake to put our country under the occupication of those ruthless, merciless, evil system in Khartoum. We do not need your support. We’re going to do it on our own becaude we’re not Arab after all. Go to hell.Ok.


  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    well, it is now up to any arab nation to get convince as early as of now that south sudan is indeed gone as separate nation whether like it or not. we have refused for half century to be called part of middle east or sudan as an islamic state of arab. i do not know how else will arab diehards get the message of separation between north and south of sudan even after they have seen the masses of our youth marching on the streets of south sudan demanding unintrupted process of separation. to them, it seems like a day dream, but i called it true sign of what is soon to come reality. separation is envitable. we should not be fighting for generations, we have to conclude or closed the chapter one thing for all. “LET MY PEOPLE GO”. Let south sudan begin her own chapter anew.

  • murlescrewed

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    It is not for Qatar or any other Arab country to be support secession. That will be decided solely by Southerners.

  • babadit

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    Dear readers!

    Arabs every where in the world are trying to work round the clock to make unity attractive when that time had gone.
    Gone are those days Gone forever and no amount of time can be found to recover that.
    If Emir of Qatari continue to lobby for unity in every mission he may have out sudan or where ever he may travel will that have any positive or negative impact on the people of south sudan?
    Arabs are the same today and tomorrow, no one should be confuse because we may opts for seperation from the North.
    for many decades we have been under their York and slavery that is that but note these another era of 21st centurary
    All ways lead to seperation now.

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession

    I am still not at all convinced that the ongoing peace talks in Qatari capital Doha will yield any fruit based not only on the irresponsible statements made by the Qatari Emir but by attitude of almost all Sheikhs towards freedom of the Southern Sudanese. Living in the world of denial is still one of the major problems facing self-proclaimed Sudanese Arabs and their supporters in the Middle East. These people have something wrong with their thinking by making negative public statements about our freedom that has been denied by Khartoum since 1956.

    In addition, I have said recently that Doha peace talks would certainly fail so long as the steering wheel is in the hand of Khartoum as the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) leader, Abdel Wahid Al-Nur observed. The behavior of Khartoum is not for peace talks but for time consumption and cultivation of new friendships with international and regional actors. Darfur needs to realize that Qatar works in the interest of Khartoum not about resolving the Darfur issues. Why would Khartoum give a dateline for participation of various Darfur rebel movements in peace talks that serves only its interest? Doha peace talks will fail in the eyes of Arab League but Darfur rebel movements when united will still achieve their freedom, political and collective objectives at any rate.

    If some Arab countries are aware that South Sudan has already gone and ready to be included in the world map, why would Qatar listen to Khartoum that sow the seed of separation, dishonored several signed agreements and introduced discriminating (Sharia) law that brought us today to where we are. Khartoum does not take any interest in apologizing, reconciling and move Sudan forward as a united country under one umbrella. What is left for all Sheikhs to do is to blame Khartoum for its failure to keep the country united or see their psychiatrists before five months arrive. They should ask themselves why once-separated-and-reunited Yemen is still facing political problems as if they came from different religious or racial backgrounds. The lasting solution is total separation from North Yemen that behaves like Khartoum.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • stephen

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    sheikh Hamad thani should shut up his mouth let southerner determined their own destiny, enough is enough we are tied of your evil policy we know that all the arabs nations were helping Bashir in killing of the innocent people of south sudan, it is high time for us to pay you back and you should accept it cosz we know that it is difficult to accept the truth, as one of Quran verses say all the arabs posses pagan pratice and is truth according to my own experince here in south just imagine the situation of Darfur the children of devil are trying hard to uproot the innocent Darfurian, south Sudan must go and Durfur will follow us, leaving the children of devil alone so the your father satan will happy.
    Because if could see somalia, afhaganistian,syria ,yemen and the rest of arabs nations there isn’t secruity stability. we want to stay in stable country where by all people of the country are represent in all geographical location, not like current sudan where our right are denied in all government level.
    we need our identity as African to be known by all people of the world.

  • Akuma

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    Southern Sudan referendum is not on muslim or christians states, it is Southern pleasure. Southern peoples’ choice can never be politise by muslim.

    Please Qataris Emir should have reasonable capacity than to be dorman beccause of Muslim religion.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Osorubeng-Beng

    Qatari Emir accuses some Arab states of supporting South Sudan secession
    Let Mr. Emir and those who hate the people of South Sudan go to held!!!!

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