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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s SRF describes Bashir’s re-nomination as “tragic end” for national dialogue

October 26, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The rebel umbrella of the Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SRF) has described the selection of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir as the ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) candidate for the 2015 elections as a “tragic end” for the national dialogue initiative.

The SRF leadership council in a meeting chaired by its leader, Malik Agar held in Paris from 20 to 25 July 2014  (Photo courtesy of SRF)
The SRF leadership council in a meeting chaired by its leader, Malik Agar held in Paris from 20 to 25 July 2014 (Photo courtesy of SRF)
The SRF also said that Bashir’s nomination is clear evidence that the NCP does not respect any charter, covenant, or constitution even if it was issued by its own institutions.

The NCP concluded its general convention on Saturday with the endorsement of Bashir’s nomination for the presidential election after he won 94.21% of the votes.

The SRF led by Malik Agar is a coalition between the rebel groups in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The SRF deputy chairman for media affairs and spokesperson, al-Tom Hago, said in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune that Bashir’s nomination did not come as surprise to the Sudanese people and the SRF.

He stressed that the NCP would not be able to overcome the point of “worshipping of one idol” and is incapable of evading its major crimes and corruption unless it keeps the head of the regime in his position for the rest of his life.

“The confounded and badly produced nomination [of Bashir] has brought the absurd dialogue to a tragic end and proved that the NCP is irreparable and entirely incapable of producing alternative leadership,” the statement read.

Hago, who is a splinter from the Democratic Unionist Party, underscored that members of the NCP convention have proven that Bashir’s personal safety and their own partisan interests are above interests of the Sudanese people and the country.

He further pointed to Bahir’s responsibility for the secession of South Sudan in July 2011, saying he is incapable of carrying out his presidential diplomatic tasks because he is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

“By nominating the head of the NCP for a new presidential term, the conferees [in the NCP general convention] have chosen to destroy our economy completely and tear up the social fabric forever,” he added.

The SRF official noted that nomination of Bashir to a new presidential term after he spent quarter of a century in his position is a definitive evidence that the “rulers are shrugging off feelings and interests of the Sudanese people”.

“This is an explicit call for all opposition forces and civil society organisations and all sectors of the people to close ranks and resort to every possible means to pounce on the regime and overthrow it before Sudan perishes,” he added.

In line with an African Union roadmap for peace in Sudan the SRF groups in Darfur and the SPLM-N will hold parallel talks with the government in order to finalise a cessation of hostilities agreement.

Once this deal is struck, a comprehensive meeting including the NCP, opposition parties and the rebel groups will be held at the headquarters of the African Union to discuss a framework agreement on the national dialogue before to engage in the political process inside the country.


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