Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Suspected rebels attack S. Sudan-Uganda border town, injure one

July 6, 2015 (NIMULE) – A policeman was injured and three cargo trucks set ablaze when suspected rebels attacked a South-Sudan Uganda border town Sunday, officials said.

A checkpoint at Nimule border (Easthams)
A checkpoint at Nimule border (Easthams)
Emillio Igga, the chief administrator of Pageri administrative area under which Nimule town falls, said gunmen loyal to Martin Kenyi carried out the attack.

“These are rebels of Martin Kenyi are trying to destabilise Nimule,” Igga said Monday.

Kenyi, who deserted the South Sudanese army last year currently commands a rebel group in South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria state.

The shootings in Nimule town reportedly started at about 1:30am [local time].

“Firing from AK47 riffles started in Rock City, a suburb of Nimule followed by a loud explosion. A check point manned by South Sudan customs police came under attack shortly at 2:00am as a policeman was injured and three trucks set ablaze,” said Igga.

He, however, said no civilian was injured during the three-hour gun milee at Nimule.

“I was fast asleep and was awakened by the loud explosions,” Mary Kedi, a resident of Rock city, a Nimule suburb, told Sudan Tribune Monday.

“My neighbors were calling and children began crying. We were thinking of fleeing to Malakiya but gunshots came from there too and we were now confused,” she added.

A spokesperson for armed opposition leader, James Gatdet Dak said forces loyal to Kenyi pre-empted a pro-government army attack on its base in Eastern Equatoria state.

Nimule is the leading gateway to South Sudan from Uganda and, hitherto, accounts for about 3million South Sudanese Pound (SSP) in revenues collected as custom duty daily.

Meanwhile, dozens of trucks carrying soldiers arrived at the South Sudan-Uganda border town and took positions at strategic locations, including the airport on Sunday.


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