Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

March 17, 2016 (JUBA) – A war rhetoric public…

March 17, 2016 (JUBA) – A war rhetoric public comment posted by the newly appointed spokesperson of the South Sudanese army (SPLA), Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang, has attracted a lot of criticisms as “anti-peace.”

Koang, a defector from the armed opposition faction of SPLA-IO led by Riek Machar, former vice-president, has been appointed this week as the new spokesman for the government’s army to replace Colonel Philip Aguer Panyang who has been appointed as governor of the newly created Jonglei state.

Announcing on his Facebook page his new assignment to the public on Thursday, Koang vowed that as the new military spokesman he will now fight in the media war till the “last drop of blood.”

“And appointing me as Spokesperson for SPLA, I promise to defend SPLA in Media Warfare until the last drop of blood,” commented Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang.

Commentators reacted by attacking the comment and the stance of the officer who used to be a staunch critic of the government under the leadership of President Salva Kiir.

‘Are you coming to preach war or peace? If it [is] war, we are more than ready to face the deadly new Spokesman for SPLA-Juba. SPLA/M-IO under Dr.Riek leadership won social media,” wrote Gatluak War Jock.

“Nuer wew Oyee,” said another discussant, Bol Dak Wie, in a mocking comment as he referred to the members of the Nuer ethnic group allied to President Kiir.

‘True. Am very sure you [Koang] will,” said Gatpan Tuel Geng, in reference to the ability of the new spokesman to wage media warfare effectively.

“However, a war fought in media is a win win game. That is the dark part of it,” he warned.

Abraham Paga disagreed with the criticism and said Koang had the right to get assigned in the government in the same way the opposition’s top leadership will be assigned in the forthcoming transitional unity government.

“You guys want Riek Macher to have a job in the Kiir government, and others don’t huh? What is the difference between SPLA spokesperson and Vice President? Some things may be wrong right there,” said Paga.

“Congratulations on your appointment as the official SPLA (IG) Spokesperson as this is by fact a job you are most talented in; I am sure even if you happen to be one for a group like ISIS or Al Shabab you would still excel out to be an exceptional Spokesperson,” said Chuol C. Nyabieh.

Nyabieh however questioned the fate of the South Sudan’s Resistance Movement/Army (SSRM/A) which Koang claimed to have established to negotiate with the government after his defection, but instead ended up doing nothing and finally securing a single position for himself.

“Secondly, let me say R.I.P [Rest in Peace] to our infant, SSRM/A, as it has met a very unexpected death before it could crawl, walk and gradually raise the flag in Holly Land [Lou Nuer are] as promised. Accept my sincere and heartfelt sympathy!!” he added.

He also alleged that other defectors such as General Gai Yoach and General Gathoth Gatkuoth who claimed separate movements have also ended up as job seekers in Juba unlike the SPLM-IO which has signed a change making peace agreement with the government.

Brigadier Koang served as the official military spokesperson of the SPLA-IO for two years under the leadership of Machar, but defected and formed SSRM/A as its Chairman and Commander-in-Chief, with the objective of fighting for a separate state for the Lou Nuer community where he hails from.

However, upon his arrival in Juba his movement was not heard of and stayed in the national capital without assignment for nearly one year.


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