Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing

By Isaac Vuni

November 6, 2007 (JUBA) — Hundreds of mourners in Juba, today November 6th attended burial of Equatorian police officers shot by SPLA soldiers from Dinka tribe while on duty at Yambio police station of Western Equatoria state on November 4th 2007.

A SPLA soldier
A SPLA soldier
The slain officers are; Brigadier General Michael Sebit Josua from Kakuwa tribe, Lt. Col. Abbud Abdalla Isa Wani from Pojulu tribe and Major Joseph Armino from Zande tribe along other seven police whose names are yet to be released.

Addressing the emotional mourners, the Governor of Central Equatoria State, Clement Wani Konga said, “The fact that our Equatorian officers are deliberately murdered in cold blood while performing their national duty, I still appeal to all of you Equatorians not to revenge on any Dinka as we in the government of southern Sudan are doing every possible efforts to ensure that those culprits are brought to book.”

If our brothers the Dinka are not interested to live in a united Southern Sudan, then we will have no objection but to demand to be a good neighbour in a federal state of Southern Sudan. Governor Wani emphases that the cold blood killing of Equatorian officers by Dinka should not bring division among southern Sudanese.

“As we are still in emotional tears, I promise to give you more statement during the last funeral rite that will be communicated to you through radio Juba.”

Elder Robert Bandi said state government in southern Sudan have failed to provided security to people and appeal to minister of Interior to ensure that states governors are given absolute power to deal firmly with all form of insecurity being perpetuated by people who are against peace in southern Sudan.

Meanwhile the emotionally broken Deputy Governor of Central Eqatoria state, Captain Henry Danga could not express his feeling but only appeal to all Equatorian to be calm. The representatives of the diocese were disappointed by none representation of GoSS government during the burial but still appeal to all Equatoria youth not to embrace tit for tat method of resolving difference with Dinka.

The burial prayer for Brigadier General Michael Sebit Josua was officiated by Fr. Kamilo Mogga who also appeals to all southern Sudanese to embrace justice, peace and reconciliation among themselves at all time.

The narrative version of Yambio incident stated that SPLA soldiers in Yambio barrack reported to have brought of two their soldiers alleged to have killed one of their own and handed them to police for custody but later a group of nine SPLA soldier from Dinka tribe came to police station demanded for immediate release of their colleagues from police custody.

But when police on duty advised them that police investigation are yet to be completed then the case will be forwarded to the court for hearing, the SPLA soldiers took position and opened fired on police at station killing ten then escape while firing at random in all directions.

“If our government is not going to address this issues seriously, we the organized forces who were then in government controlled areas are going to resign massively because we are tired of being referred to as Jalaba by our own brothers from SPLA,” warned a groups of senior police offices who sought not to be mention.

The mourners who included Dr. Samson Kwaje, GoSS minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Elias Lomuro, GoSS Minister of parliamentarian Affairs, MP Peter Bashir Bandi, Chairman, SSLA Specialized Committee for Information and Culture, Mrs. Jpyce Kwaje, GoSS Commissioner for Justice and Peace, Joseph Lasu Gale, State minister of Central Equatoria state, and MPs from both SSLA and CES assemblies among others.

It is to be recalled that SPLA soldiers have removed from police custody and killed Equatorian in Rumbek, Torit, Yei and Maridi and nothing has been done by GoSS authority to that effect. Following the Sunday incident GoSS vice-president flew to Yambio yesterday and return the same day but remain mum as the issues is said to be of high security concern.

As we go to the press there is high tension in Yambio between the SPLA and the indigenous of Yambio.



  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I think the that individuals people should be held accountable of what they did, not the tribe. Let’s not use this as an occassion for ethnic divisions and hatred among ourselves Southerners.


  • Emilio Mongu
    Emilio Mongu

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Dinka should not be left in the way they want. This is beyond primitivism, because civilized people should not act the way Dinka SPLA behave. Dinka should avoid their stereo type of concept about Equatorians are cowards and weak. It is good to remind the Dinka that this in not the individual issue, as one has mentioned, but all the Dinka. If this is not a corronic disease of Dinka, how do I feel, if I were a Dinka, seeing my fellow Dinka behave like a stone age type of behavior. If I were Dinka, I even have no heart to comment in favor of the murdurers. Be tune, the bell of Kokora may ring again.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    It’s tragic and many of us are running short of how to describe the killing of innocent citizens serving their Country!
    May God bless their souls. GoSS should do something asap to address the grieve and exclusion felt by the people in greater equatoria region and non Dinkas in South Sudan at large.

    Dinkas, myself included shouldn’t behave like imperialists because people in South Sudan can rise up against them simply the way we did collectively against Jallaba!

    But i as well, urge journalist like Isaac Vuni to be impartial because this particular article reflects his on views a son of equatoria and not as a professional journalist.

    Iam aware that extremists on both sides will be on my neck for telling the truth but that doesn’t worry me so much because i believe in what i said!

  • nyankuany Mareng
    nyankuany Mareng

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Here you go!! Dinka are wrecking the boat before we cross the river. It is not only in Central Equortoria Dinka Soldiers are acting unruly. On September 22, 2007, 3 SPLM soldiers from Dinka Bor went on rampage in Bor killed four soldiers 3 from Anyuak and one Nuer.

    The intended target were Nuer soldiers who were stationed in Bor town to restore law and order after Bor civilian went on rampage to kill Nuer police officers who are working at Jonglei police HQs Anyuak were just caught between cross fire. While these soldiers are there to performing their national duty of protecting civilian from Murle raiders the Anyuak soldiers end up lost their lives at the hands of the people they are supposed to protect because of ethnic hatred between Dinka and Nuer.

    We all know Dinka Bor are not happy with Kiir Administration. They are doing everything possible to create ethnic division to achieve their goal. My warning to my fellow Dinka is don’t create problems yourselves for sake of creating of creating a problem. If there are people who are benefiting from CPA they are your people. Incident like what happened in Jonglei and Central Equotoria can turn South Sudan into civil war or tribal rivalry. Writings are on the wall, if Kiir wanted to be national leaders or tribe chief it is his choice.

    We’re in 21st century the killing of Gen. can not be simply ignored by responsible government. We need government to bring those maniacs to justice so justice services its course.

  • Monyror

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    My fellow Sudanese of South Sudan,i don’t think that you should comment this issue in this manner,it is not the negotiation of seperating the whole South Sudan,but it’s the issue of killing of innocent people that does not know prosituty and that goes on to enclude those who don’t know do these people started it.
    My people let’s pray for their names,may God almighty put them in his lovely angels and to bless their poor families who remained in this poor condition.
    Hope Government of South Sudan may have a look into that matter.

    Abraham Monyror,
    Yirol South Sudan.

  • Daniel

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I am sending my condolences to the family, relatives, friends, and government of Central Equatoria State and the Government of South Sudan leadership for this tragic incident that has taken the life of our brother.

    I urge the government of South Sudan to look into this matter closely because this very bad incident that cannot be entertain among the citizens because loosing lives at this time of joys for peace is not tolerated in this society. Above all this culprit need to be brought to justices which I call upon the government to instruct the law enforcement institution to take action against culprit who are not respecting other people right to live.

    I am also urging those who usually take thing to tribal line to stop decorating the problems as a tribal issues that is not how we want to build a new Sudan, we need to be very vigilances with whatever tell the mourners as a government official.

    This because the local people thing that we are supporting their emotions instead to quench their hanger over the issue by promising them that the law would take its cause.
    Otherwise I regret for the lost of our brother life at this wonderful time of peace.
    My God rest his soul in peace.

    Mr Daniel Ater

  • David Martin
    David Martin

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    What which happen in Yambio should be seen by GOSS as a serious case.Why I am saying this is because several incidence happened involving SPLA but nothing is done.
    What are the SPLA leaders doing?If I am not mistaken,leave alone the Soldiers,even some top SPLA officers did not know what was there in the CPA.Because if the SPLA soldiers are informed of the CPA and told how to behave after the signing of the peace agreement(from a rebel soldier to a goverment soldier) such incidenve would have not occur recurently.The SPLA need to be given lectures on how they have to behave and tackle issues.
    The other thing is,as a government,GOSS and in particular the Justice Ministry have to address such cases seriously.Because without doing this,one day things may fall apart showing our weaknesses of how we can’t handle simple issues.
    Not on Equatorians,but all the Southern Sudanese who felt their issues are not handle with seriosity will one day take their rights by their hands.Let us not leave the situation to reach that extend.
    God bless South Sudan

  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I am kind of between Baghdad and Washington. I will not blame anyone before the final hearing has been seen from the GOSS. Gen. Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar are not tribal chiefs. I hope they will do their best to bring those people to justice. And to my Equatorian brothers who are making a lot of noise. It is not about Dinka or Dinka Bor. Comparing all Dinkas to the two or three murderers shows sense of political immaturity. Let’s wait and see what will happen to those murderers. Capital punishment is still in Sudan, so if you want them kill then there is no choice they will be executed.


    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I must begin with a word of condolence to the families of the deceased Officers.The event,It was such an untimely death that the civil society and the GOSS have unexpectedely missed our dearly Police Gerenals through barbaric acts of individuals within the government(GOSS)armed wing.May God Rest their soul peace.We Missed you dears in our vagues struggle for independence and we shall remember you in our history.

    Dear Citizens of South Sudan,I would like to assure you that the mass media have grown in political significance through a combination of social and technologies changes.Pluralist portray the media as ideological marketplace that enhance debate and electrol choice.However,they have also been seen as mean of spreading ruling-class propaganda or the value of elite professionals,and as a reflection of the public’s views and tastes.

    Is civic culture a cause or a
    consequence of effective democratic rule in South Sudan? We all have answer to this Question.

    Dinka as a tribe doesn’t have an army forces but rather the SPLM as a political party that presides over the affairs of the Government of south Sudan, owns its military wing named SPLA.SPLA soldiers were drawn from all over the communities within Southern Sudan and thus SPLA behaviours are not relections of particular community but rather an adapted behaviour acquired in the bush during the civil war.It is not all about Dinka community but a sole responsibility of the GOSS to transform them from a guerilla life to a ntional army.

    Do the mass media reflect public opinion or shape it?
    In short,Mr.Isaac Vuni should be professional and smart in in his profession rather that writing along enthic line.

    Lastly revolutions are popular uprisings that consist of extra-legal mass action aimed at changing the political system.Neverthless, am asking Southerners to be calm and see how GOSS will handle the issue before we become another Somali otherwise we all condemned the killing as occurred.

    Chol Deng Yol, Sudan.

  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    My sincere condolence to the South Sudanese whose hearts are broken coz of the tragic incident that happened.
    The murder of our brothers has angered many not Equatorians as this unprofessional and inexperienced journalist put it. I as a Dinka as you people like identifying people coz of their tribes,it is very unlawful and indeed the culprit should face terrible situations which they had never been on this earth as their act is against humanity. If this nine are against humanity as they had already prove,then why shouldn,t humans be against them. On the other hand,it would have been a professional report if it was taken as the SPLA which I think is not for one tribe and the police department since they seem to be interferring in their duties then to be taken from the government level to tribal level where the SPLA are described as Dinka and the brothers who have lost their lives as Equatorians,absolute nonsene. Both the police and the SPLA are for the South Sudan government and their duties are not inclined to tribal lines but for the common goal of South Sudan prosperity.However Iam not a tribalist who can defend a wrong doer but should people be aware that even the community you are as got people who can do such things,deny or believe. May almighty God usher them and grant them sympathy in heaven.amen.

  • Deng Dekuek
    Deng Dekuek

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I would like to offer my condolences to the families of the deceased including the JIU soldier. It is sad to lose a life no matter whose it is especially if they’re INNOCENT people.

    I would however, like to express my dismay on how the media is currently handling the issue especially Southern Sudanese being led by Sudan Tribune. Media should be independent and should not be bias or tow tribal lines.

    Sudan Tribune has rushed-in with guns blazing about murderous Dinkas, killing Equatorians all over the Southern Sudan! But I think it is only mature if the media doesn’t fuel this and try to get the facts first.

    Therefore my Questions are:

    1. Did the ST Correspondant try to get the otherside of the coin from the murderers?

    2. From which part of the Dinka were the shooters from? This is because Dinka are a very diverse people and native to 7 states out of 10 including Abyei and Southern Blue Nile! We cannot go about generalising all of Jieng.

    3. What exactly is the nature of the relationship between the shooters and the deceased JIU soldier who triggered all of this? Were they family members, friends or just ‘tribal-few’?

    Again to the Editors media should stay out of tribal matters and be just media, to inform and not fuel otherwise it becomes divisive. Sudan Tribune should investigate and get the otherside of the story too, before vilifying all of Jieng!!

  • Jqckson Surur

    South Sudanese Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    I convey my heart felt condolence to the families, relatives and friends of these heroes who have fallen in rendering their duties to southern Sudan. The citizen of Yambio ,South Sudan and Sudan at large will greatly miss them and their national service. May God rest their soul in eternal peace.

    This act is unacceptable; according to the CPA the JIUs are the future nucleus of the Sudanese army, they are better organized, they are the organs, which can keep security throughout Sudan. Having known all these by all or some of them, instead of keeping security they are causing havoc and insecurity in the societies where their presence happen to be. There is a saying which goes,” an ignorant person with arms is dangerous” and it is the case with these JIUs, because they quite don’t know the answers for the following questions:

    Who are supposed to keep law and order in the society?

    Who are supposed to keep security in the society?

    Unless the have answers to these questions we would continue to experience these insecurities in our societies.

    My call to the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) is to organize training if not for all but for the leaders of these JIUs to equip them with the rules of Law and order in the society and how to go about keeping security. Otherwise we would always wake up hearing and discussing the barbaric acts caused by them rather than planning the socio-economic development of our beloved 21-years war ravaged southern Sudan.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Soldiers should not be left to take the law in their hand that is why most African countries are lacking behind.

    Displine the Spla soldiers that is the cry of all people doing business in s.sudan and among the southerners themselves who out of anger sometimes refer to the spla as a Dinka Army.

    Retrain all the soldiers and they should know every reason why we have the police force, prisons and every jurisdiction of the law. Having uncivilized Army without proper understanding of why they carry guns is a torn in the flesh’ Do something now before it is too late to bring any soldier to book who has committed any crime. No body is above the law they should be told in the language they know, the military tribunal courts. If the spla was able to displine soldiers during the time of the war why not now.

  • Majur Mading Makur

    South will always be behind if Catalysts are not eradicated.
    Dear web browsers,

    Catalyst are the most trouble makers
    in south sudan.Their lights shone when darkness fall on others,imagine instate of we southerners joining mourners of WES, they enjoy the day by insulting and abusing other tribes like Dinka. It is a sad news for a young country like south to lost on spot the huge number of officials which is so inhumane.Besides i seriously condamn the exegrators for their dids than seeking for the solution from GOSS.Remember “Jech” military is an institution with rules and regulations which are more stronger than civil ones, of which you don’t know wat has been taken by the JIU authority in Yambio. Afterwards lets stop blaming each other when the catastropy occured.
    May the almighty God comfort the families of the deceased and may their souls rest in peace.

    The author can be reached @ [email protected]

  • Majur Mading Makur

    south sudaneses’ equtorians in tears.
    Dear web browsers,

    Catalyst are the most trouble makers
    in south sudan.Their lights shone when darkness fall on others,imagine instate of we southerners joining mourners of WES, they enjoy the day by insulting and abusing other tribes like Dinka. It is a sad news for a young country like south to lost on spot the huge number of officials which is so inhumane.Besides i seriously condamn the exegrators for their dids than seeking for the solution from GOSS.Remember “Jech” military is an institution with rules and regulations which are more stronger than civil ones, of which you don’t know wat has been taken by the JIU authority in Yambio. Afterwards lets stop blaming each other when the catastropy occured.
    May the almighty God comfort the families of the deceased and may their souls rest in peace.

    The author can be reached @ [email protected]

  • Paul

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    My condolences goes to the families of those who have lost their love ones. Indeed such kinds of news are very sad and discouraging especially to all the peace loving communities of South Sudan, and therefore, I personally condemned such a barbaric act by some of the most undisciplined SPLAers. Those who have lost their lives were without doubt performing their legal duties, and it is very unfortunate that our very own defend forces are turning against them.

    I also would like to advice all those equatorians and other tribes who might have had some hatred toward Jieng to immediately refrain from building this issue as tribal. Thanks

  • Paul Garang

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    It is very sad and unacceptable event. Killing police is unconstitutional and a great setback for a growing nation like S. Sudan. Beyond law we don’t accept, within law those soldiers must be held accountable. Equatorians must have not loss patriotism of their nation (S. Sudan), and should they sustain respect for their fellow Tribes. Beyond zero tolerance, a court of law must deal with soldiers accused.

  • Paul Garang

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Dear Santos Imatongas,
    I think it might be good enough if we begin thinking broadly. As leaders of the day, we should not forget what law says. He (soldier) committed a mistake, and you too making a mistake when inciting Equatorians and Nuers to unite against Dinka and other tribes. Will you make a good leader, do you think? Refrain and repent from such suggsetions, and think of training and teaching your fellow citizens to avoid such inappropriate actions in the future. The civilian and military court of law must deal with the event. It is our duty as good citizens to rehabilitate our people behaviours, including military discipline.
    God welcomes and forgives those who repent.
    P. Garang

  • Gombu Gindalang
    Gombu Gindalang

    If we could get each Equatorian to read and understand this simple story, what a force we could be!!

    A rat looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain? He was aghast to discover that it was a rat trap. Retreating to the farmyard the rat proclaimed the warning, “There is a rat trap in the house, a rat trap in the house!” The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Excuse me Mr. Rat, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”

    The rat turned to the pig and told him, “There is a rat trap in the house, a rat trap in the house!” “I’m so very sorry Mr. Rat, “sympathized the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured that you are in my prayers.” The rat turned to the cow. She said “Like wow, Mr. Rat. A rat trap. I am in grave danger. Duh? So the rat returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer’s rat trap alone. That very night, a sound was heard throughout the house; the sound of a rat trap catching its prey.

    The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat.

    So, the next time you hear that Equatorian is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that “WHEN THERE IS A RAT TRAP IN THE HOUSE, THE WHOLE FARMYARD IS AT RISK”.

    For the clue about this story, think about what happened in Eastern Equatoria(i.e. Commander Obuto Mamur Mete and Lorot), Central Equatoria (i.e. the attemp life of Cdr. Thomas Cirillo), and now Western Equatoria. These are just few examples.

    In my tribe of Pojulu, when someone get kill by “wild animals” like these innocent brothers, we don’t mourn until these animals are kill too.

    Chief Gombu Gindalang

    The author is an Auditor with Canadian Government in Canada.

  • SudanSudan

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Dear Isaac Vuni, it’s unfortunate that your paper has motivated me to commend on what you just reported. Please! Please it’s unacceptable for you as a journalist in using the phrase “SPLA soldiers from Dinka tribe”. Maybe you were innocent person but now you added yourself into the list of trouble makers and possibly you can be accused of that phrase as a crime if something happened to other Dinka. You are inciting angry and frustrated Equatorians, especially relatives of the killed victims to take revenge on any person that look like Dinka. I think it’s not a good idea to distinguish fire with oil. Let report cases in a way that will not make the situation even worst. A person (s) hat has committed a murder should be call what it’s period. Remember what happened to Sudanese in Australia when a government official voiced his concern that Sudanese were the trouble makers.

    Can you explain how did you come to conclusion that the JIU soldiers who shoot the police officers were Dinka?

    Please it’s good to report but not in a discriminatory or derogatory language. Remember that other Dinka have no business and are not responsible for the wrong done by another Dinka even the close relatives of the wrong doer when dealing with law. We should always call spade a spade and spoon a spoon when dealing with South Sudan as we wanted to maintain peace through harmony and law and order. All Sudanese and authorities are advised to treat individual as individual and group as a group but not vice versa when dealing with rule of law. This is the fairest way Sudanese people of such diversity will maitain peace and allows the rule of law to judge wrong doers. I have no problem with the accused individuals; let them pay the price of that killing lawlessly.

    Only when I changed myself will the situation change!

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    This is just an accident that happened to be from elements of one tribe.Our reaction to it should not reduce us to the point that we would be describe by others as those that would never form a nation. As far as southernism is concerned ;to whom equatoria belongs?
    To every southern sudanese.
    May God of our land make us understand each other peacefully ,and never let our enemy use our difference. Amen.

    Gatluak Latjor

    South Sudan.

  • Augustino Seja
    Augustino Seja

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    First of all let me send condolence to our beloved officers who were murdered by these animals, my there soul rest in internal life amen.

    The Dinkas should not be happy of this tremendous murder of these guys let them put in mind that the equatorians are not fearing, we are really following where is the end of our liberation iam apealing to the dinka leaders to advice there mates to follow the liberation, those who have understood how equatorians are, otherwise we shall leave the struggle and must get rid of this barbaric behavour to the fellow colleagues. this is absolutely un tolerable,
    My face was out of wringles abit when i read the fellow Dinkas who have really mentioned words towards this prejudice act. That animal(dinka) would have done woderfull if he murdered jalaba rather than killing your own brother.
    Remember, guys if its over later, then is over, you will define our cowardness by eye witness, for us we know where your children are staying and getting education. we tired of this southern government for being advice on law prevailing, “equatorians” “equatorians” calm down let them continue, there will be a moment.
    Even some educated dinkas are posting words like when he was in the Mura shame on you. One day will come iam just saying continue, your so called leaders will collect sticks to rescure you.
    Dinkas does not now what is called change, but you will be though later to understand change, i garantee you with all your so called big men.Equatorians and Nuer will unit and put you in class to be tough change.
    Southerners were happy of the move Kiir have done but still those whom their ears made in their ANUS does not hear shame on you the so call dinkas people rather than called an animal called dinka.
    Now the world does not like them because of this barbaric foolish act.
    Nuer and Equatorians are still watching please continue, but i asure you that all of you will perish like roten tomatoes if you undersatand.
    The government is exactly behaving like a court being held in luak (no leader is especialised in really making sure that there is law within south) will this so called leaders manage when we are left our south, i dont think so if it continues we will see.

    But am really pleased with afew of you who will be catogorised as persons by your words leave others to continue you are really sons of south sudan lets us fight the jalabas.
    Leave guys like , Marier who was talking about jur like his mouth is full of human waste that has been put on his mouth by equatorian. He must go to school.

  • Mabutu Malet
    Mabutu Malet

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Dear, Isaac Vuni And dull equatorians.

    I am very glad to here you talking wisly against Dinkas and not first to trace the root cause of the killing. Vuni you took journalism by mistake, professional journalist can not catalyse tribalism to create disunity between Southerners.I call you unprofessionalist becuase you have reported killing in one side to make matter worst you mentioned Dinka as if they are the only people in SPLA as well as JIU and you brothers are saying you are civilised, is this the way you handle thing to bring division? Shame on you.

    Equatorians, you are really fool from foolish tribes in the Southern Sudan and the Sudan as a whole. I mentioned it becuase you talk nonsences which will earn you nothing. well, it is true and i blame Dinka becuase they are developing you mentally and physicaly. Juba and Yei are now having ligth because of Dinka SPLA which was not there when Arabs were with you.
    What typies of human beings that do not appreciate when good is done to him or her and talk baseless when slide small thing had happened in between. Are you really civilised as you claim it? I am not sure of your civilisation.
    Civised men, soldiers are not imprisoned in police custody, they have their own. The suspect is soldier and therefore, would have been taken to Army’s Prison if you realy know laws.May be they were asking them to put him under their control.

    you chase us to go to cattle camps, yes, we keep cattles that produce meet and milk which are all acceptable in the whole world if people are to leaved town because of stapple food.What of you Equatorians who keep dogs,snakes,grasshoppers,frogs and some leaves of plants likes cassava leaves. All i have mentioned are all toxics, you eat them. if at all people can follow what they eat, sincerely, iam telling you go to villages because these what you like most and they are not in town.
    We lost important people in Equatoria but they did not harm us, we continue with struggle and we have liberated you from slavery, death is normal even you who is talking ill against Dinka will still die. What do you think would have killed them their death has being given by who brought them in that way or you want to kill them by poison?
    Nuers are not stupid like you Equatorians, they can not be drived by wrong people who like discrimination, if they accept your request, they are going to remine in struggle like what former president Abuud did with Arabs, Abuud was bribed with a girl only and he gave his position. His weakness brought slavary to Southerness. who are you this time to claim civilisation? we know your civilisation from Abuud. If you are talking of Abraham Abuud’s we can definitely believe beyond no doubt.

    contact me using [email protected] or [email protected]

  • Samson Liberty

    South Sudan’s Equatorians in tears for Yambio officers killing
    Imagine when more than (70)or more comments happened to have reflected on the hot article,upon the killing of the three senior police officers in Yambio(W.E.S)had fueled much media debate in Sudan and abroad.Try to analyse that all the reactions from Equatorians and non (Dinkas)can generate two related aspects:(1)That the hang over of the Kokora or redivision of southern Sudan into Greater Equatoria,Upper Nile and Bahar el Ghazal in 1983 during president Nimeri’s regime that followed similar disturbances of tribal superiority over inferiority concepts(2)Quotation,commented by David Martin that “SPLA did not know what is in the CPA.And if the SPLA soldiers are informed of the CPA and are told to behave after the signing of the CPA…”
    Therefore the above aspects may explain to some extend emerged emotions foamed.Solutions out of this reasons should have taken such a remedy.After the past Kokora and peace,there should be a South-South dialogue in all military,political and (people)grass root level these to be followed by conflict resolutions and peace building efforts as a continues curricullum.Secondly since most of the SPLA soldiers were former Red Army Fighters(under eighteen childern)who might have grown entirely in the bush over tweenty years with no civilization and socialization is a big problem.Training of such soldiers in a military school before intergration or mingle with civilian was a priority,consquently intergrating them into a regular army ranks should follow only criteria of men been commanded by well educated officers.Most importantly since the said were the freedom fighters who brought about the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA),they might have been educated more on the importance of CPA to them especially and how they can protect it.First and foremost Southern Sudanese must critically understand that all the mess was as a result of the South and North cronic latent conflict.

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