Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister

By Philip Thon Aleu

June 4, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – Jonglei governor dismissed a wide spread speculation, in the state and across South Sudan, that he is the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) President’s choice for the position of Sudan’s People Liberation Army (SPLA)’s Affairs Minister.

Governor_clean_bor.jpgAddressing a rally attended by over 10,000 Bor town residents on Wednesday June 4,
Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk described himself as “a military freedom-fighter who turned full civilian on January 9th, 2005 (the day peace – CPA return to Sudan).”

“We have brought freedom, democracy and equality for the marginalized people of the Sudan; and it is time those who did not participate much (in military operation) take over,” Gen. Kuol said adding “President of GoSS 1st Lt. Gen. Kiir Mayardit never told me about such decision.”

South Sudan’s SPLA Affairs Minister Dominic Dim Deng died in a plane crash on May 2, 2008 leaving the military top position vacant to-date. Writers and a section of public have being debating on who should be the next minister aligning Jonglei Governor 2nd Lt. Gen. Kuol Manyang as one and a favorite.

Governor Kuol warned Jonglei citizens to rather concentrate on productive discussion then spread lies. “Those who have nothing to do keep on telling lies. They are the source of evils,” he asserted.

He further said his duty in the army is over and if changing him from governorship was necessary, he welcomes the idea with open arms and will then deliberate good services outside the military.


Governor Kuol continued that obtaining positions; in his history as a leader, have been through the wishes of the people. “You tell me to serve in this post and I do. You promote me to higher positions but not me looking for them,” he said, adding that he is not interested in working as a minister in GoSS for prestige but it should respect the will of people.

However, Manyang urged the citizens to be able to work with any person who may clinch to Jonglei highest position after him. He requested the citizens to able to accept leaders regardless of their popularity.

“People used to say; without Dr. John Garang de Mabior, who will serve us? But when Dr. Garang completed his mission and God took him in 2005, we are still going ahead,” he affirmed.

The governor advised South Sudanese to develop patriotism and acknowledged themselves as one people. “This is our nation and any citizen can serve as a leader,” he said.



  • Kur

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    I know we need people like Mr. Kuol Manyang to work for the SPLA to develop it into a copetent military force capable of defending the land of South Sudan. But Jonglei needs him more than anything else.If Kuol leaves before he provides much needed organisation in Jonglei, God knows what will happen in that troubled state. Insecurity and corruption must leave Jonglei before Kuol leaves to serve in different capacity. I know that those corrupt individuals in Jonglei are now praying that he goes off to Juba quickly. But, no. For the sake of Jonglei, Kuol has to clean up this mess to help his people achieve certain degree of confidence and stability.


  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    I think Governor Kuol would be a right person to serve the position of Affairs Minister,he is a wise man,and has a strong speech,but in my view i beleive that the particular position which is progressing for a right person to take should not be used in such way.I think we all as Southerns we should have access to any position in our government of Southern Sudan.But i can imagine that a current position of Affairs Minister in SPLA has been nominated as a especially position for a peraticular people to hold.Please Mr president Kiir,make everythings fair in our country,we need a right people to stand for this position throught votes,not just in local way.Therefore thether you believe that there is a right man to over take the postion,yet we need a right solution of making it equally.Otherwise if a Foreign Affairs Minister is appointed without any proposal or votes,i would oppose that our nation is not fully in right hand.

    Our values are our future respect,equality,commitment. peace to all

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    Dear Patriots,


    I said this only for the sake of our New Sudan, a Sudan that needs able bodies to work for it.

    I know some body some where there may say that Mayardit choose him becouse Kuol is from Dinka. My friend there don’t say that becouse our Junubin may prove you wrong in the near future.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism.

  • Sam

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    It is not a good idea to me, that Kuol Manyang would be the SPLA Minister of affairs the position of our late Dominic Dim. Why I say so is because we have to learn from the past. Our first leaders has had started something long time ago when they first started the current movement known as the SPLM/SPLA in 1983, and that thing was the sparing of elders in command like Joseph Lago and Abeel Alier who were Anyanya one veteran and founders of Anyanya two which is later trainsform into SPLA/SPLM in 1983. Our leaders of the SPLM/SPLA have been sparing them since that time upto today they are still with us, is that not a great lesson to learn in New Sudan? If that is great lesson, then I can say that our founders of SPLM/SPLA must be spare to be our future narrative of New Sudan movement. That is why I say it is bad idea to late someone from the top as our president Salvar Kiir to somebody like Kuol Manyang who were the founders of our movement of the SPLM/SPLA to be militery lead today, when there are many other great commanders who were made leaders in the middle baragatest and many young generation are there ready to be fill into leadership. These people like Kuol Manyang should be spare to be the teachers of the New leaders of the New Sudan. That is my proposale. And thank to everyone, then goodnight.

  • Bush

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    Bravo governer Kuol manyang. Southern Sudan needs people who have a strong vision like you. There is no government without the people ( civilians). Good encouragement indeed. Let us work together hands in hands to make South Sudan a better place to live. Government from the people and for the people is our motto. God bless Southern Sudan.

  • James James
    James James

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    Hi Mr. Peter Kot & your cousins:

    I know Bor love to talk ten(10) times as they love to leak spoon ten(10)times each side when they ate Ngincho in Gumuruk few years ago.

    Anyway, you guys need to respect me little bit since I am going to be your in-law soon as I am dating Bor girl right now. In other hand, I don’t understand want you want me to do, if I try to start putting things togather, some of you are keeping on insulting me or Murle for no reason. What is your problem? you guys need guns or Ngincho?

    Firset of all, You should be shame of yourselves for telling the world all these years that, you don’t have any single gun in your community meanwhile, now thousands of guns have already been collected at the same community, where did these guns come from Negros? come on my in-laws, don’t lie because I will dump your girl and marry from another tribe.

    Kout, you need to leave “Jok rac” Bor traditional god and begin accepting Jesus to release you from your terrible lies, tribalism, greed, selfishness, and evil spirit in your mind. Please take with you those young Jongkoth(Bor) to the church this sunday.

    I hope you accept that as your time to come clean.

    God bless.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    What is the point of bitter exchanges of words!
    Dear Tribuners,

    Why are we causing harm to ourselves when the decision of appointing the minister doesn’t lie in our hands? This is not to suggest that we become passive observers on how our country is being run but become constructive contributors who doesn’t create hatred amongst the people. I thought the access to cyber politics was to give the participants a voice to air out their views regarding the governance and the welfare of the citizens in a manner that doesn’t threaten the national wellbeing of our people.
    We just swear at one another … and ends up not providing suggestions on the way forward becoz the biasness has taken over and dug its roots deep in us.
    On the issue of the next minister, i don’t care who comes provide that he or she is a patriotic South Sudanese that can defend our sovereignty to the last minute.

  • James James
    James James

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    Hi Jongkoth:

    This is Sudantribune not Bortribune at the moment, I know most of you want Sudantribune to be like in 1975 when James James, Gatwech, Lokolong, Logic and Taposa boy were not in the system. Wake up food eater, this is 2008 where Southerners want to share views and Ideologies that let us to overcome those notorious arabs. This is our concern right now. We can not let my in-laws Bor to swim in this web site alone

    I know people like Logic sometime goes out off line but yet, we need to see what medication can we provide him to come down. Web site where all members come from one tribe is useless, try to form Bortribune if you can find somebody from another tribe sign his name there, that website will fail in one day.

    Anyone can be only fired for using abusive language but not when they give wrong ideas, please copy that.

    In reality, Logic, James James, Lokolong, Taposa boy and Gatwech will not be terminated because they are the one who keep this web site alive. though terminated they will still be there in different jackets.

    I hope you feel that as truth.

    God bless.

  • Joshua Garang !
    Joshua Garang !

    Jonglei Governor downplays rumours on his appointment as SPLA minister
    Mr. Gatwech,

    Please if you don’t have anything to say, you better keep quiet Coz what you say is more of nonsense. Note one thing that: Jonglei State doesn’t belong to Dinka-Bor but it comprises of: Dinka / Monyjang/Muoi Jang, Nuer, Murle and Anyuak. So, Mr. Kuol Manyang Juuk is needed by Jonglei residence for the welfare of Jonglei State as a whole not Bor, Ok? Well if Kuol will be asked for having been so strict to some money-minded and idiotic figures, during the struggling period, then what will the Southerners do to Mr. Riek who has taken the lead in going astray and doing the massacre? Kuol is a prominent figure in Southern Sudan. He has never ever taken a decision of opposing SPLM mission in his life. He knew the catastrophes that faced the Southerners and so he could not be bribed easily though the cases of bribing were often in Sudan before. Please tell us clearly that you are driving at something and that you don’t want to reveal it. Why saying that Mr. Kuol is a tribalistic man?

    NB: Well if you are to appreciate the SPLM/A leaders, do not make a mistake of appreciating Riek Michar please! You know better, why.

    ADVICE: Brush your teeth please before you talk to the public to avoid your bad breathe from polluting the world. i.e. stop polluting Sudan/World with your bad and meaningless comments.

    Please get transformed from today onward by utilizing Peter Kuot’s and De Maluk’s commands for the betterment of your future.

    * You are the only exception in the whole of Southern Sudan and I really wonder why.

    Mr. Big Logic

    One day, you will be a leader at your Boma level, therefore do not stop Mr. Lokolang when he tells his view in this hot debate. The word ‘‘ Dinkas take affairs ministry’’ is bad of you.*** Let me spare you Equatorians for the sake***

    Nice Time!!

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