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Sudan Tribune

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Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 29

Humanitarian Action in Darfur
Weekly Bulletin No. 29

21 August 2008

Key overall developments

Heavy rains during the night of August 20th and the night before caused massive destruction in IDP camps in South Darfur. Kalma, Bilel, Al Salaam and Bilel camps seem to have been particularly affected. Primary assessments have already been done in Kalma, Bilel, Al Salaam, Dereig and an area of urban Nyala called Jebel in which it is claimed that serious destruction has occurred. Sheikhs in Bilel say 4 people lost their lives, and some 1,500 homes have been lost in the camp. SUDO, OCHA, UNJLC and IRC are currently conducting an assessment of the camp to obtain some figures.

Needs and response by sector


North Darfur

? UNICEF in collaboration with the State Ministry of Education released 2,786 assorted textbooks, 522 guidebooks, 87 recreation kits, 116 education pupil kits and 1,044 red ball pens for teachers to Kabkabiya town, Kabkabiya rural, Jebel Si and Kaguro schools benefiting over 8,000 pupils (50% girls). UNICEF has also supported State Ministry of General Education in the training of 60 teachers on HIV/AIDS life skills curriculum knowledge and skills to implement HIV/AIDS curriculum in 60 schools in El Fasher where an estimated 11, 000 students will be reached.

South Darfur

? UNHCR in collaboration with UNICEF distributed 3,700 sitting mats to Kalma school (benefiting 18,500 pupils), and 929 plastic sheeting are provided to Kalma schools.

West Darfur

? Fifty eight 58 primary school education teachers have been trained in the new UNICEF supported Ministry of Education Life Skills HIV/AIDS curriculum. The training aims to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS with primary school children and the community

? Ministry of Education with UNICEF support, 159 education kits, 981 text books, 446 pupils’ kits and 11 recreation kits were issued to nomadic schools (benefiting around 15,750 pupils).

Health and Nutrition

North Darfur

? UNICEF conducted a rapid assessment and response to the floods in Saraf Omra jointly with State Ministry of Health, WHO and the State Water Corporation/WES (Water and Environmental Sanitation Department). The main objective was to assess the impact of the flooding reported late July. A coordinated response which included the delivery of medical supplies, which included 400 insecticide treated bed nets, water and sanitation supplies and spare parts, has been implemented alongside health education & hygiene promotion campaigns. Training sessions on health education & hygiene promotion for 50 health promoters and 30 school teachers in Saraf Omra town targeted 6,968 students. The 5 day campaign implementation reached 4,724 households with a further 22,924 individuals benefiting from the awareness messages. In addition, a health day held in Saraf Omra, including sessions on health education and hygiene promotion for the mothers coming for consultations, reached 460 patients.

? UNICEF supported the El Fasher TFC (Therapeutic Feeding Centre) one day review workshop with State Ministry of Health staff working in the TFC. The review focused on TFC operations including, admission and discharge criteria, management of complications, reporting, resource management and general TFC management issues.

? Further refresher training in Nutritional Sentinel Surveillance for community data collectors was conducted by UNICEF in Kebkabiya town. The community data collectors will be supervised and supported by the State Ministry of Health medical assistant following the re-assignment of the nutritionist.

West Darfur

? UNICEF supported the training of 20 Midwifes & vaccinators in Forbaranga on the integrated package of health/nutrition interventions. The participants were from the Gobei, Habila and Forbaranga areas. With UNICEF support, the State ministry of Health conducted training for 20 people from the western localities on Rapid Response and Early Management of health emergencies at local level. In recognition of International Breastfeeding week, celebrations were successfully conducted in Geneina. Thirty-seven (37) participants from the women’s union, teachers, NGOs and State Ministry of Health were trained on the importance of breastfeeding.

Protection and Human Rights

North Darfur

? UNFPA in collaboration with UNAMID Gender supported conduction of a workshop for State Committee from El Tina locality. 30 participants from Women Union, Youth Union and representative from Locality Executive Council including Executive Director attended this workshop. The work shop was fully supported by UNFPA.

? UNFPA participated in Workshop conducted by National Peace Organization in El Fasher University about the prevention of GBV and the decrease of its health side effects, for 3 days 11-13 August, which was attended by 45 participants from different organizations. During this workshop discussion focused on effects of GBV on woman Health and Reproductive Health (RH), National Organization Response toward GBV, role of women in prevention of GBV, group work for national plan on how to prevent violence and formation of national net work for GBV prevention.

South Darfur

? Child Friendly Community Initiatives (CFCI) organized an open day at Gadal-Haboub community with the participation of 1,300 children, community leaders, teachers, and youth & women’s groups. The celebration addressed different child protection messages through drama, traditional games, dancing and public music.

? CFCI with UNICEF support conducted training of trainers (TOT) workshops on psychosocial support in Umjanah, Gadal-Haboub and Amasho communities. 30 participants from the Child Protection network, and Youth and women’s group took part in the three-day workshop.

? UNFPA in collaboration with UNCHR and Amal Centre have conducted a workshop on IASC GBV Guidelines and update on referral pathway. The workshop targeted 20 participants who work on the program area from the UN and NGOs in South Darfur.

? UNFPA has organized a workshop on basics of communication targeting community workers involved in awareness raising activities in South Darfur

? UNFPA and WV have jointly conducted baseline survey and assessment on domestic violence in the IDP context and final report was circulated to the PWG and the GBV WG members. The aim of the research is to identify causes of domestic violence in the IDP community and to formulate response strategies on the program area.

West Darfur

? The DDR Commission in collaboration with UNICEF conducted a one day orientation session on DDR framework on the Children Associated with Armed Forces/Groups, and the reintegration programme. Participants included government authorities, humanitarian agencies, and community leaders.

Water and Sanitation

North Darfur

? State Water Corporation’s Water and Environmental Sanitation Department in collaboration with UNICEF have had success in the drilling of the third deep well in El Neem camp, with the well fully functional. A motorized pump has been installed and the well has been connected to the distribution system grid.

? In Hilit Mursal and Lammainat (El Fasher Rural), the State Water Corporation in collaboration with UNICEF, supported the installation of 2 new hand pumps complete with accessories for two hand dug wells.

South Darfur

? In Kass camp the State Water Corporation/WES/UNICEF Water project produced 2,940,000 liters of chlorinated water during the week for the IDP community. A jerry can cleaning campaign is also under way to ensure safe handling of water at the point of use or in households

? The State Water Corporation supported by UNICEF completed the construction of a new water yard complete with related infrastructure and equipment. The system will provide clean drinking water to 10,000 people in Dar El Salaam.

Common Services & Coordination

? UNJLC distributed, through its regular email list, the following UNHAS announcement: With effect 18 August; National Security of Sudan will not accept any medical items and spare parts for vehicles, generators or other machinery to be transported by air as cargo, unless cleared by HAC. A HAC stamp must be obtained on the supporting document prior to delivery of the mentioned items to UNHAS Cargo. HAC clearance may be obtained from the HAC, Joint Procedures Centre office located in Khartoum 3. This provision applies equally to UN agencies and International / National NGOs.

Non-Food Items and Emergency Shelter

South Darfur

? In Dereig Camp in Nyala the Kuwaiti Patients Helping Fund distributed jerry cans, plastic sleeping mats and plastic sheeting in support of community projects.

West Darfur

? Distributions in West Darfur have focused on IDPs requiring replenishments of jerry cans and plastic sheeting. SCRS replenished 1,170 HH in Riyad and Ardamata Camps in the El Geneina locality.

? SCF-US distributed rainy season items to 1,978 HH in Kerenek Camp in the El Geneina locality.

? Concern provided jerry cans to 3,400 HH in Mornei Camp in the El Geneina locality and to 1,200 HH in Kulbus.

? 670 HH were replenished by INTERSOS in Umm Kher Camp in the Wadi Salih locality.

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