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Sudan Tribune

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EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 29, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – A team of European Union on Thursday says at least 350 millions US dollars will be invested by Holland, Turkey and Belgium governments for infrastructural development in Jonglei state.

EU_visit_20080829.jpgThe delegates, Hamed Salah Hamed and Rob in’t Zand add, said at a press briefing in Bor airstrip Thursday, that the construction will be implemented by the European firm MZ Equipment.

The infrastructures to be targeted include roads, airstrip, hotels and residential. The EU delegate stressed that the state government will take a paramount role in the development.

According to the deal, the company will build houses and hotels and payment be made in installments.

Deputy Governor Hussien Mar Nyout, State Ministers of; Physical Infrastructure Eng. John Amuor Kuol, Health Dr. Agot Alier Leek and others senior staffs, in a meeting with the EU diplomats, pledged state government’s support for speedy implementation of the constructions.

The State chiefs took the EU staffs around the town for a brief tour before proceeding to Juba from Khartoum. Admiring the surveyed of the town and dry wealth roads designed here, the EU diplomats argued the State authorities to represent the cost of the projects in priorities and send (to them) immediately.

Jonglei government maintains that inaccessibility of many counties in the state instigates hostilities as government policies are not effectively spread. The EU funding may uplift the State major challenger- the poor roads.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures
    You the people of jungle incuding your governor, i would like to inform you that don’t put your eyes on Euro Pound or USD $$$ it is a big issue later when your plan results into negative future.I know you know how to make an agreement whenever there is source of money or any tripe of joy but having negative plan is the main problems with you the people of jungle.Anyway do it for yourselves but make sure that this is just like putting your hips on fire and you will enjoy by yourseleves later,also this threat will later be a general debt on the name of Southerners.Have you forgotten how many $$$$ billions you have looted in South and where were the result since 2005 up to now?.However to ensure that those money will bring a positive contribution whether for jungle or South in general i would advice those EU leaders to be hand in hands with those in jungle otherwise it is just like leaving a bank unlock throughtout the night.Therefore “no body will oppose my view since we knew that those people of jungle have crooken the ideology of South” since 2005.We don’t expect to move with blind eyes infront of us we need wise and confidential people and individual in particular who can manage to bring every corner of Sudan into fruit of peace,not that you talk of corruption while your the leader of corrupters in the region.

  • Paul Yithak
    Paul Yithak

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures
    That is good news for all the people of South Sudan and Jonglie in particular. I do not how the aforesaid projects where selected; I should assume that there has been some kind of concept paper/ proposal presented by the State authorities outlining the critical needs of the state, whereby priorities where set. I know the EU is quite strict with its funding. I am quite confident that, since they have selected a firm (MZ Equipment) to implement the project that will includes Roads, airstrip Hotel and residents I did not hear anything about hospital(s) or school(s)? is this donation made only towards the projects mentioned? Do these projects represent the priority of the Government of the state? What about urban water and electricity I am only left to speculate because the article was very vague it seems I did not understand what is meant by the following statement Quote “Admiring the surveyed of the town and dry wealth roads designed here, the EU diplomats argued the State authorities to represent the cost of the projects in priorities and send (to them) immediately”. The word” agrue” do mean urged? I hope in the end the government of Jonglie would utilize this grant/ donation for the best interest of the people. The Ministry of physical infrastructure should set some guidelines datelines and standards to be followed by the firm.

    Paul Yithak – Hamilton Ontario,

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures
    Jungle is a right word to fit with your people since they have”crooken the ideology of South” don’t beleive that am unable to spelle it.Calling me an idiot has nothing to prove that am mad as you are,if am fool i would not be able to find the truth about you,what we all know about you’re people of jungle is that “correction or putting you into the right system seem to be your enemy”and this is how you always consider those who are trying to put effort on you as your enemies,but absolutely no we are trying to give your people a better route to proceed accurately.Otherwise your illiterateness makes you knowing nothing only fooling after money.

  • Gatdelha

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures
    $350 to Gonglei state alone is ludicrous! what is the EU plan for other nine states of Southern Sudan! and who is supposed to make deal with EU state or the GoSS! what the use of GoSS then, if any invidual state have to deal things like this with anyone the like in the world! when are we going to behave like a government??

  • Gatdelha

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures

    $350 to Gonglei state alone, is not ludicrous?? what is the EU plan for other nine states of Southern Sudan then?? and who is supposed to make deal with EU, state or the GoSS?? and what is the use of GoSS then, if any invidual state have to deal things like this with anyone she likes in the world! when are we going to behave like a government??

  • Thon Aguek Aguto
    Thon Aguek Aguto

    EU to invest $350 millions in Jonglei infrastructures
    Jonglei Ooyee! To those who hate progress in the great state of Jonglei, include mr famous-Big- logic with his ill- advice.This man(famous-big-logic) gave a blunt & bias refusal not to recognize and appreciate the great job , the Jonglei gov’t has undertaken.I think it doesn’t make sense at all to rationalize the current gov’t with the previous gov’t as well as with other governments in the country. The corruption is at its rapid spread in the country, but it’s now being skinned down in a large proportion in the state of Jonglei, that’s a great news. We should judge each administration on its merits otherwise we get stuck talking about what had happened in the past as the only tool to speculate future developments.

    The message is crystal clear that the gov’t of Jonglei first priority is reconstruction of the infrastrucres which will help to boost the economy of the state as well as the GOSS by facilitating movement of goods,and people that will result in creating many jobs which will kick in a huge revenues from taxes.And these receipts will help the state gov’t to launch other vitally important initiatives in terms of development.This investment in infrastructures will enormously reduce the level of insecurity in the state because it will not take long time for the police and state guard to reach where they ‘re mostly needed. To me,I think it’s better to be in debt with a good & 21st century infrastructures than not be in debt with no infrastructures at all.The leadership in Jonglei state is enticing foreign gov’t as well as domestic gov’t because of the governance it delivers, thanks go to the head of the state.

    Thon Aguek Aguto is an opinon editor with Sudantribune.

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