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Sudan Tribune

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SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general

October 22, 2008 (RUMBEK) – Officers serving in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) near Rumbek issued a statement Wednesday calling for the arrest of an allegedly corrupt general and complaining that they had not been paid.

handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) shows SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) troops redeploying south from Abyei on July 2, 2008 (AFP)
handout picture released by the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) shows SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) troops redeploying south from Abyei on July 2, 2008 (AFP)
Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state, was in a state of political turmoil in September and October, leading to a power struggle and the temporary impeachment of the speaker of the assembly. The state has also suffered from violent raiding and civilian casualties during a disarmament exercise in early September.

Groups of SPLA soldiers deserted after they were ordered to leave Rumbek following the disarmament incident. Those groups, which are primarily Nuer, are distinct from the group now calling for the arrest of a general.

“The genesis of the problem is the issue of our salary,” said a statement issued by Col. Ater Deng, who said that he represents 400 SPLA officers in Malou.

The officers expressed regret at having to make a public statement, but noted that “all the legal avenues failed to address the problem.”

The SPLA officers accuse Maj. Gen. Malual Ayom, the director of training and military colleges, of running away with the money of 400 officers who are currently undergoing training in Malou, Rumbek. The culprit allegedly left to Nairobi in October, deposited the money there and came back on Oct. 19.

“When we the officers confronted him, he decided to pay only twenty Colonels who hailed from his tribe,” complained the unpaid officers. “On Oct. 20, we appealed to the Chief-of-staff of the SPLA army, Lt. Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak. We stated to him all the facts and called for an urgent response. For reasons only known to him, he has never replied our letter. Attempts to persuade deputy Chief-of-Staff for Logistics failed.

“As most educated and well-trained officers of the SPLA, we don’t want to take the law into our hands and believe that the Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, would intervene and apprehend Maj. Gen. Malual Ayom urgently. We have high expectations from our C-in-C who is a man of integrity and vision. Lt. Gen. Kiir would not afford few generals to destroy his army. We are confident he would do what a military leader should do, i.e. arrest this corrupt general and bring him before competent military tribunal of the SPLA army,” said the statement.

According to the statement, “the SPLA army is one of the respected armies in the Horn of Africa. The leadership of the South should not afford to see few officers like Malual Ayom getting rich at the expense of the SPLA men and women who put on uniform to protect the CPA. If our C-in-C would allow few army officers to corrupt his forces, then we will not have choice but to bring Maj. Gen. Malual Ayom to justice. However, the whole SPLA army is confident that Lt. Gen. Kiir will arrest him and bring him to justice for stealing salaries of men and women in uniform.”

President Kiir visited Rumbek Oct. 6-8, where he inaugurated a statistics building for the census and reinstated the speaker of the Lakes state assembly.

Another a higher-ranking delegation from the government of Southern Sudan arrived in Rumbek on Sept. 11, headed by Minister of Interior Affairs Paul Mayom Akec and SPLA Chief of Staff Oyai Deng Ajak. Ajak addressed troops in Pacong, a town on the road southeast of Rumbek.



  • Grader

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    There is no justification whatsoever for our men and women in uniform to be treated like this …! Paying them their salaries isn’t a need but their right, it’s them that brought the GoSS and therefore ought not to be overlooked by a few enriching themselves. My sympathy goes with the suffering people of South Sudan. May God bless you and lets keep fighting

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    You the people of jungle and a particular clan of junglese, your really out of your mind, how can one person intend to eats the entire sweat of others. Shame on you for your nomination of taking money and food (cattle) as your pride.killing,corruption, violeneces and moron things are all yours. You better learnt from others, i don’t undertand why are you always roaming in Equatoria but taking nothing into your states, why don’t you copy from the social societies of Greater Equatoria. It’s just because the leadership is in your hands, otherwise nothing could have been hard in this country of Southern Sudan.I warn you not to open your mouths just to take everything in,understand what is good and what is bad, because this aggressive and barbaric behaviours are the future engine of fuel within us. I heard a certain dinka saying ruler,i don’t understand how can a corrupter and blockhead who need more in life pretend to rule a wise state like Greater Equatoria? , may be emotional ruler in what you are dreaming for your entire lives, but not physical on the ground.

  • adam

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    Maj. Gen. Malual Ayom, is he the former Brig. Ayom of Gebit training center in Eastern Sudan???
    Something is really wrong with SPLA/M. At Dr. John’s funeral in Juba; Rev. Morona called Cdr. Salava Joshua. I think commander Salva, have the qualifications of Joshua, from his back round as a former intelligence officer; he was fighting for 21 years. Joshua was harsh with corruption!!

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    Soldiers are entitled to get their salaries on time, and if any officer is believed to have ripped off this right from soldiers then he/she should face justice. In the civilised world the accused is not a criminal until convicted by court of justice.

    In this report, the reporter has only reported one side story, but failed to report general’s reaction or response on this disturbing allegation. Thus, I am quite dubious about the professional impartiality and conduct of the reporter. Presumably, deficient acquaintance with journalistic ethos may be blamed or else the reporter heedlessly intended to create moral panic. I think it’s quite logical and professional if reporters endeavour to report two sides of the story to avoid any potential bias.

    Finally, I thank those who are currently doing their best to keep public watchdog (media) viable. It sends a clear signal to all public servants that their deeds are under surveillance. Freedom of press is potentially one way to track down the corrupt members who operate in the darkness in the S. Sudan.

  • Henry Makuei
    Henry Makuei

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    Hey guys stop abusing Maj. Gen. Malual for he is not a civilian general he is an army general, he deserve hon. and respect despite accuses that are not yet proved even his officers who demanded arrest warrant did not a bused him. your ugly comments tells me that you have not been to army and therefore, you don’t know the rules of army, this Gentleman had been working in big position and he did not make any mistake so react to this news with respect and wait for the outcome with patience maybe he will be innocent and you would have abused him with out cause.
    if this is going to be wrong accuses in the future then Sudan tribune reporters should have limit on giving the puplic wrong informations Comrade Malual will still face the enemy if CPA collaps today but you guys will be hiding and wait for other CPA to be sign and dance for what you don’t have a record. have a discipline.

  • Nyaborjiok Makuac

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    It is very unfortunet that corruption is gaining momentum and escallating to a very uncontrolabe stages in southern sudan.the current scandal in Malou tell as a lot about what is happening with in the spla ranking, it is quite disgusting and unfortunate for such a senior officer in the spla to asociate himself with such crime. although the law might prove him not guilty in the course of investigation, still it has course lot of damage to the army. it is shame and abomination it need attention from particularly the leadership of the splm and indeed to all of us as citizen of this nation.

    our presidency has several option on it table to curve this outbreak, it is not just Malou case we currently have spla clerk who own cars and other expensive properties in the expense of the army wher do they get them if i might ask.

    options such as modenization of the finacial syterm of the army forces of southern sudan, hiring of qualify and competent financial controlers and so many other majors should be made available to fight corruption. otherwise southern sudanese would judge the leadership of the day harshly and consider them to be beneficiary of the syterm.

  • wannawilla S M
    wannawilla S M

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    I always feel sorry when i read some comments posted by those who call themselves BIG LOGIC, and others. Posting a messege or comments on the net means, you are exposed to many people worldwide. You are not indoors. And again to be a writer you need to practice democracy. That means, you have to respect other opinions, and they too have to respect yours. But not insulting, and using bad words like motherfucker, junglers and others. Moreover, you are storming southern brains.
    Instead of preaching unity amongst Southerners, those of BIG LOGIC whom through their comments lacks logic, and his friends preaching tribulism of the old ages, which would only drag us to time i mentioned. So please guys, try to give us somethings for benefit. Otherwise, many will feel sorry for you..

  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    dear brothers/sisters,let us learnt to be confident in what we are saying,Iam not protecting the general but we should be carefull with what we are told,what criteria on earth did the general follow in giving money to his tribemates?or does it means that his tribemen were all seniors so that he can use their seniority to justify the given out of money to them?Iam not preventing the general to be investigated but this fabricated statement will prove him not guilty to the charges.after all Lake state was suffering from political turmoil and power struggle and it does not need to be shifted to the general so that one can that position.

  • makino

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    Hello all. If you can see for yourselves, these group of officers in Malou is trying to politicise their concerns. It’s alright for military personel to complain in a genuine manner but not in a way that shows they are puppets of some political groups. What evidence did they give to show that it was Gen. Malual who stole their money when they were not paid. We all know that it is not the first time for army money to be paid late and the route of this should be found out correctly in order to eliminate it completely.

    Don’t these soldiers know their claims can back fire if not proven that Gen Malual Ayom is the one who diverted the money as they strongly potray it. I urge the politicians in South Sudan to look into this and pass a judgement accordingly, otherwise there is no reason for keeping in the army, politically oriented officers with little or know education and claim to be so They are only a catalyst for unress within the society of the South. Please investigate this allegation with utmost urgency!

  • Free Southern Sudan Freedom
    Free Southern Sudan Freedom

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    This is in reply to the False accusation / insult and involving the Army in Politics which is not the Code of Conduct of Ministry of Defense.

    1. No single officer from Malou complains about salaries or issued statement on Wednesday calling for the arrest of Maj Gen Malual Ayom, the officers currently going under training are SPLA cadres. Writing rubbish on internet will never give way to fulfill your agenda.

    2. We have been without salaries for more than 25 years during struggle and every SPLA member is ready to remain without salaries for another 100 years.

    3. The SPLA objectives in Malou will not change and remain as follows:-

    a. To enhance the Officers knowledge in the arts and science of war.

    b. To improved leadership qualities and skills.

    c. To create a greater understanding and working relations between officers and be able to operate in any environment across the world

    d. To focus officer on military challenges

    e. To prepare selected officers for high grade senior officer appointments and further advance courses.

    SPLA will continue to defend itself by all means from enemies of the peoples.

    Thank you.
    Administrator. Malou

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    SPLA officers in Malou call for arrest of general
    Fighting in a uniform or in other way to protect one s’ land and interests is a noble thing world wide. But noble if and only if the participants’ rights are protected and safe guarded by the others sharing the land and in the leadership. Absence of this quests the righteousness and integrity of the owners of the land, and always constitutes a fundamental security threat to every prescribed piece of land on the earth surface. Great nations are built on basis of righteousness and integrity. So is the south in its right direction?

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