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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status

January 26, 2010 (JUBA) – The president of the semi-autonomous region of Southern Sudan, who is standing for the presidency of the region in the upcoming April elections, said he was ready to defend himself in a court of law over his controversial military status.

Kiir_in_uniform_06June09.jpgGeneral Salva Kiir Mayardit, who chairs the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), explained his position to a gathering at the premises of the Southern Sudan High Elections Committee in Juba during the submission of his application form on Monday for the post of President of the Government of Southern Sudan.

The highest organ of the party, the Political Bureau, had earlier nominated him as the candidate for the position.

The law requires that any candidate aspiring to contest for any public office while serving in the military must resign first in order to qualify to run for the elections. This also applies to those that work as civil servants or judges.

Responding to the issue, President Kiir explained that he is no longer a military man, saying he had already retired from military rank since 2005. “There were some people who said that I have to resign from my position as the Commander-in-Chief of the army, but these people did not know the secret that you should not always play your cards at the same time,” he told an excited party of supporters today.

“I was retired by late Dr. John Garang on 16th July 2005 and I am no longer in the military rank,” he told his cheering supporters who accompanied him from the SPLM Secretariat office.

A military source likewise also revealed that Kiir was actually retired by late Dr. John Garang in 2005 at the rank of Lt. General. The source continued to say that he silently reinstated himself in the army after the death of Dr. John Garang and promoted himself to his current rank of 1st Lt. General.

All the application documents have been submitted to the Southern Sudan High Elections Commission and will be further referred to the Khartoum-based National Elections Commission (NEC) headed by Abel Alier for approval or rejection. President Kiir warned that he would appeal to a court of law in case of any disqualification and expressed confidence that he would also win the case.


Earlier, the National Elections Commission had written a letter reminding Kiir to retire from the military as the law requires. Chairman Abel Alier addressed his letter, dated 21 January, to the Southern Sudan High Elections Commission and the leaders of the High Committees of the ten states of South Sudan.

“After going through the relevant constitutional and legal provisions and the advice on the same, on nominations by candidates, I have come to the conclusion that the office of Commander-in-Chief is not an army post. It belongs to the head of state as an aspect of sovereignty. In the case of the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, it is also an aspect of shared sovereignty,” Alier said in his letter.

By this rationale, Kiir since 2005 was exercising his control of the SPLA as civilian Commander-in-Chief, based on the Constitution of Southern Sudan article 111 (1), which reads “Prior to the elections that shall be held during the Interim Period, the Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, or his successor, shall be the president of Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in accordance with this constitution.” Kiir heads the newly formed SPLA Command Council composed of more than 40 senior military officers.

SPLA Official Spokesman Maj-Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol said by phone to Sudan Tribune, “I want to show to the public that 1st Lt-Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit was retired with effect from July 16, 2005 by late General Dr. John Garang De Mabior; also on 26/7/2005,” – four days before his death – “Comrade late Commander-in-Chief [Garang] wrote a message to all units of the SPLA” in which he related that Commander Salva Kiir Mayardit had acceded to the rank of Lieutenant General with effect from May 2004 and retired with the rank of 1st Lieutenant General with effect from July 16, 2005.


The requirement on President Kiir’s military status and officials’ responses about it left the public of Southern Sudan rather confused.

It appeared that initially there was not clarity within the ruling party itself about Kiir’s status. First, NEC’s letter on the subject was slammed by the Presidential Affairs minister, Dr. Luka Biong Deng, who described it as “premature.” Also, the SPLM Secretary General, Pagan Amum, was quoted by a local newspaper, The Juba Post, as saying that Kiir would retire from the military as required by law.

These statements, contradicting what Kiir revealed today, have brought about greater public scrutiny. “I agree that Kiir should maintain being the Commander-in-Chief [of organized forces] since he is the President. But I am not convinced by his comments which say he already retired since 2005. Why do I see him wearing uniform and using the title if he was retired?” said one of the students at Juba University.

In Southern Sudan, 1st Lt-Gen Salva Kiir is sometimes seen wearing full combat military uniform and the majority of people believed that Kiir is in the Southern army’s active list as a general.

“Kiir should either tell us frankly that he was wearing the uniform and using the title illegally, which is against the law; or if he reinstated himself in the military he should publicly decree his retirement from the army,” said a business man who identified himself as Garang Ezekiel.

In his Monday remarks over the issue, Kiir only explained that he is already a retired general, but he did not explain why he still wears military uniform and how he got promoted to the rank of 1st Lt. General in the army. Kuol, in a phone interview, dismissed this question saying that “being a retired general does not mean that you throw away your uniform – Kiir wears his military uniform on a ceremonial basis.”

Hundreds of Kiir’s supporters accompanied him to the Election Commission’s branch office. He told them that if elected in April he would work for the development of the region. He advised against any post-elections violence.

“We want this election to be peaceful and we don’t want ugly political scenes and chaos that have occurred in other countries in Africa during elections,” said Kiir.


NEC has set Wednesday, 27th January at 6:00 p.m. as the deadline for submission of candidacy application forms. The chairman of the Southern Sudan High Elections Commission Caesar Arkangelo Suliman said this morning President Kiir is so far the only candidate who has presented himself for the post of the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, but later in the day the leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – Democratic Change (SPLM-DC), Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, submitted his application form to the Juba office.

The northern ruling party, the National Congress, is yet to declare its candidate for South Sudan’s presidency as the deadline approaches.

SPLA’s official spokesman, Kuol, urged other candidates from the military to avoid similar controversy. He directed his fellow comrades, “It you want to contest for the election and you are in active list in the army, you must resign. You are required to handover all your bodyguards, plus SPLA official vehicles to SPLA General Headquarters and you will be guarded by police. Recently, SPLA Maj-Gen Dan Atur Jong resigned in preparation to stand as a candidate.


Philip Thon Aleu in Juba and Manyang Mayom in Rumbek contributed to this report.


  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Coward/cowboy Slava,

    No one wants to take you to Court, but respect the law.

  • Time1

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    The message is clear now to those Arabs who doubt Salva kirr.

    Kirr was promoted to 1st Lt Gen in 2004, he was retired by the late Dr Garang , but after Garangs death Kirr assumed the presidency in south sudan, the constitution states clearly that the chairman of the SPLM will also serve as commander in cheif of the SPLA, Kirr wears unifoirm as C-in-C, as a government officials, he can wear uniforms anytime when south sudan is at war or under threat, no rules that stops a government official from wearing army uniform, especially if he is the C-in-C.

    For example, George Bush before he last term when he addressed the country from the US war ship, and when he flew in a fighter jet, he was dressed in fighter pilot uniform, it is a normal thing to wear uniform so you can identify with your troops.

    Even in north Sudan Omer bashir has been in uniform many times, the urguement of why was someone wearing a uniform is a weak urgument.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Now it your responsibility to take Salva Kiir Mayardit to court or take the presidency of Goss. In fact, wearing uniform as Kuol Deim Kuol said has nothing to the presidency. It seems that most of commenters on this website are not trained and that is why most of them act like we Southerners are free by now or they think we already get freedom. Not at all.

    I belieive we are all son of liberators, we should not compliant for only wearing of Uniform at this time. We should be worry about someone who can fight the Khartoum govt to death till we get freed from North aggression,but i really now that we have blind individuals who have no capabilities on how militray goes.
    Dear brothers i support and of our heros to wear uniforms at this moment especially 2010-2011 because these periods were uncertained.
    i have worried that Khartoum will get strong because of all of our weak heat food lovers who always look for something to eat.
    If iam not wrong, then i can says that the reason why there are alot of chaos at the moment is that because there are alot of people who have no loyalty in the South. No dount about that. If we were then there would be no shouting for nothing like wild dog before 2011. I can says that this not the time of democracy, it is the time for loyalty.

  • murlescrewed

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Nuer TRAITORS,

    You are salivating over a position that is not destined to be held by traitors. Kiir will still be the supreme army chief in South Sudan till he declares that he is not interested. Even after that, he will appoint someone who is fit and capable of managing SPLA.

    Matip is not physically able to endure the requirements of being the army chief. He is suffering from diabetes and cannot be trusted with the command of the SPLA forces. He got his current position as a sort of payoff so that he could return to SPLA and safe his face.

  • Paul Lokuji Micah daudi
    Paul Lokuji Micah daudi

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Hi all,

    This is very strange to mess like this in this world where can we find a retired general in full combat uniform,I believe most Southerners had served either in the SPLA during the struggle or in the SAF when forced for the so called National Service just to get access to universities in the country.
    When Bashir retired recently just after few minutes on Sudan TV his title changed to retired field marshal not after fife years and the second time he appears on TV he is in Jalabia while chairing a very important so what is there that needs the president to chair a meeting in full combat suite.
    Lies will not help Mr Kiir out time has come to say the truth.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Congratulations to Dr. Lam For Submitting His Elections Nomination Papers

    I am so excited today!!! The illegal SPLA 1st. Lt. Gen, Salva Kiir mayadit and the group did not know that Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin was already on his way on the same day (25th January, 2010) to submit his Nomination Application Papers too. The outgoing Kiir and the group were wrong to hurriedly conclude that they are the only candidate for the job as they almost ordered the whole crates of beers in all Juba Bars and Hotels for a lost banquet, untill they got surprised that Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin is in too. The appearance of the potential President of the GoSS and the South spoiled their early wrong banguet. The beer and whisky business got detained for a further notice, and surely for no notice again in near future.

    Now the real elections game has started; this time with the constitutional law before the last resort to the confidence of the people in the ballot boxes in 11 – 13 April, 2010. Surely, Kiir is finished because Dr. Lam and his team have proven to him and the peopl that they are there and we will be there for the post.

    The victory of the SPLM-DC and Alliance of South Sudan Poltical Parties with cooperation of some independent candidates is on the way with certainty! Let’s work hard for it to earn it because we deserve it while we prepare for our real banquet once the NEC anounce us as the winners of people’s confidence, and they the Pro-Somalia-like rulers as the losers.

    Long Live the Dignity of South Sudan,
    Long Live the Alliance of South Sudan Politcal Parties,
    Long Live SPLM-DC team,
    Long Live Dr. Lam, and
    Long Live our Victory.

  • Gatwech

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status
    Dear readers,

    Here are some of the questions the National Elections Commission (NEC) may want clarity on from Salvatore Kiir Miyerdit in order to approve his candidacy:

    1/ Was he retired, and if yes, when and at what rank? Kiir said he was retired by late Dr. John Garang on 16th May 2005.

    The SPLA spokesman Kuol Deim Kuol said he was also retired on 26th July 2005 just four days before Dr. John Garang died. Wow!

    Does this mean that Kiir was retired twice?

    2/Then the spokesman contined that Kiir actually reached the rank of Lt. General since 2004. But at what rank was he retired on 16th May 2005?

    And what happened again between 16th May and 26th July which necessitated another retirement on 26th July, just four days before Dr. John Garang’s death and at what rank?

    3/ If Kiir was retired, why then does he wear full combat military uniform as he wishes and could even on several occasions chair the Council of Ministers meetings there in Juba while wearing his military uniform and using his rank title?

    I have watched him myself many times on SSTV Satellite channel with his military combat uniform while chairing that executive organ’s official meeting (Council of Ministers).

    4/ Why is Kiir the chairman of the SPLA Command Council; a Council purely composed of senior active military officers? This Council is supposed to be an independent one for the military. It should be chaired by an active military, and actually the most senior officer in the army’s ranks, who would only report to Kiir as Commander-in-Chief by the virtue of being the President.

    The military Council should have been treated like the Judiciary Council which is chaired by an active judge in the position of Chief Justice, not by the President of the Government of Southern Sudan.

    It should also have been treated like the South Sudan Legislative Assembly which is chaired by an active member of parliament in the position of Speaker, and not by the President of the Government of Southern Sudan.

    Kiir can only chair such meetings on special occasions during which he is invited and not to chair the day to day meetings or directly discuss and make decisions.

    Of course these all Councils whether military, parliament or judiciary can all report to him after carrying out their business in their councils or houses. Salva Kiir should have been chairing only the Council of Ministers meetings.

    4/ NEC may also go through the documents of the list of active officers in the army to find out whether Kiir actually has not been an active officer in the army.

    5/ NEC may also want Kiir to declare his wealth honestly.

    6/ NEC may also want Kiir to back down from his previous position which banned Dr. Lam Akol’s political party in the South.

    Because if he doesn’t do so, it may backfire on him in particular and on the SPLM party’s other candidates in general, especially those who aspire to run for elections in the North.

    As for being the Commander-in-Chief, this is by his virtue of being the GOSS President. The constitution is clear that even if he retires or voted out of office, his successor, even if civilian, can take over as the new Commander-in-Chief.

    But the other issues listed above are some of the issues NEC should look at very carefully if we are to avoid cheating and obstruction of application of the law.

  • Khent

    Kiir says ready to go to court over his controversial military status

    Why would the SPLM elevate a traitor, again?

    Cooperating with Matip in the pre-Referendum period is of paramount importance, however, assigning him the position of Commander-in-Chief would be foolhardy, unforgivable, hazardous, and is out of the question!

    Principle must guide our selection of men for all positions. A life that has been devoted to the services of our enemies does not deserve praise, reverence and elevation. It would be preposterous for a man, who fought against an army for over two decades- to be then elevated to the postion of Commander-in-Chief of the very same armed forces he collided with.

    Appointments should be predicated upon a range of prerequisites and requirements… fidelity (loyalty) is exceedingly important-Matip’s previous adherence to the despotic will of our enemy (until 2006)- precludes Matip from being possibly allowed to exercise the powers afforded by the position of Commander-in-Chief. Ceding him the position of Commander-in-Chief would simply amount to the flattery of treachery.

    Matip has been ceded a senior position-(Deputy Commander-in-Chief)… a position which he attained without toil, without sacrifice, and most important of all- without loyalty.

    He has been esteemed above men who have demonstrated *loyalty*, sacrifice & toil. His well-wishers should take that into consideration, and be content.

    Endlessly catapulting Khartoum’s former mercenary to new dizzying heights would inflame the hearts of loyal & dilligent men; our acceptance of his return and the position that we afforded him- was compromise enough.

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