Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

April 27, 2011 (LONDON) – The United Nations and government of South Sudan on April 19 in Jonglei state launched a new police unit to tackle cattle rustling.

Jonglei Deputy Governor Hussein Mar and Joe Feeney, UNDP Head of Office in South Sudan during LPU center launch (Photo: UNDP)
Jonglei Deputy Governor Hussein Mar and Joe Feeney, UNDP Head of Office in South Sudan during LPU center launch (Photo: UNDP)
The project, which is being piloted in Eastern Equatoria and Jonglei states was “initiated by the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Southern Sudan Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control and the Southern Sudan Police Service” according to press release from the UN Development Program (UNDP).

The objective is to reducing tensions within and between pastoralist communities and their neighbours by reducing cattle raiding and related criminal activities.

The new Livestock Patrol Unit (LPU) has been launched in Kolnyang Payam [district], with support Jonglei state, the Southern Sudan Police Service, UNDP and the UN Mission in Sudan.

The UNDP press release said: “Kolnyang Payam in Jonglei State has a long history of cattle rustling. Situated on the borders of Dinka Bor lands in Jonglei and Mundari lands in Central Equatoria State, problems have flared up frequently between the neighbouring tribes in recent years over one primary issue – cattle.”

Speaking at the opening ceremony Major General Daniel Deng Lual, Head of the Southern Sudan Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control said: “This project intends three things – to combat cattle rustling, increase communication with the community and enhance partnership with the government.”

Livestock Patrol Unit (LPU) Patrol Car donated by UN Police. April 19, 2011 (Photo: UNDP)
Livestock Patrol Unit (LPU) Patrol Car donated by UN Police. April 19, 2011 (Photo: UNDP)
A select group of police officers have been equipped and trained by UNDP and UNMIS to “prevent and deter cattle raiding through ongoing police activities as well as community engagement, including the establishment of early warning systems and community groups.”

Jonglei state deputy governor Hussein Mar told the Kolnyang community that the establishment of the unit is in recognition of “the problems that have happened in Kolnyang” but that “it does not take away the responsibility to look after your cattle.”

The deputy governor thanked the UN and also the community of Kolnyang for offering land for the new Unit.

“The Livestock Patrol Unit is really very important to the community, for there are so many instances of insecurity that will be solved by this,” said the Kolnyang Chief, adding that since “the government is here, it is a sign that they are committed to fight cattle raiding.”

Joe Feeney, UNDP Head of Office in South Sudan, said that the establishment of the Livestock Patrol Unit is “particularly important for one reason: this Unit represents the state and community working together.”

In July South Sudan will be become independent after a referendum saw an overwhelmingly vote for secession. The plebiscite was agreed as part of a 2005 peace deal that ended over two decades of civil war.

Despite the end of hostilities between the Northern army and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement cattle raiding remains a serious cause of violence and instability in South Sudan, one of the poorest regions of the world, ahead of its independence.

One of the worst instances since the peace deal was in January 2010 when 140 people died in clashes in Warrap state triggered by members of the Nuer ethnic group seizing thousands of animals from Dinka cattle herders.

”On 9 July South Sudan will be the 193rd country in the world and this Unit is part of building that country, because without a strong State you cannot have a strong country,” said Joe Feeney.

UNDP says it is providing support to South Sudan’s state governments to provide security and build the confidence of communities in their governments and in the rule of law.



  • rebelson

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    Cattle rustling is bad. SPLM is not doing enough in protecting civilians and sometimes terrorizes them. They accuse us the rebel and this is not true.

    rebelson, son of a rebel

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    GoSS needs to speed it up before the Lokwangle and Pibor and burn down again by Youth of Bor.

  • Hero

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    To the filthy animals,

    Mr Rebelson & Quol Quot: You’re the today obvious upset and inevitably the tomorrow setback of our future, given the fact that you don’t see things the way we sees them.To you guys; it’s clearly filthies enough for a decent human being to called himself or herself a rebelson as if he’s or she’s totally insane.And on the other hand, you Mr Quol,clearly show that you lack sense to reason well and that why you are clearly out of touch with the reality.To you all: Reality is how we can solved our problem and that’s exactly what they respective parties are doing.Therefore you need to shut up.

  • Mwoi

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    You wise today and I urge you to stay steadfast.
    No sane person would impress himself with title rebelson nor Quol which mean bitterness.
    As the beloved citizens of this newly born nation we should be happy when we see something good happening but not to add fuel to the tragic circumstances.

    We thank Jonglei govt for doing something to alleviate conflict between our communities.
    Lest we forget the blood of our martyr for the good cause.

  • rebelson

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    hero, and mwoi

    stop attacking rebels her on the website!

    stay away so that you can stay alive!

    rebelson, son of a rebel

  • amon

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    Tell your renegade uncles about what happened to Ivory Coast’s militia leader Ibrahim Coulibaly that if they don’t give up rebellion they end up like him. People of South Sudan need peace and stability now.

  • rebelson

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    @ amon

    Tell Kiir and rest of your uncles about what happens to dictators like Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Ben Ali of Tunisia.
    they will end up like them.

    rebelson, son of a rebel

  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    Dear guys,
    The man called himself rebelson is Not a southerner,period.
    He is from northern sudan,he is just trying to bring confusion and hatred among us southerners.
    Just disregard this idiot. Go to hell rebelson.

  • Nhomlawda

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    Thanks to SSPS, Jonglei State Government and UNDP for starting this partnership on community security.
    Just give them enough vehicles with machine guns and enough budget to fuel them so that they can easily respond within shortest time possible to any threat in the greater Bor area.
    Good job, keep it up.

  • Hero

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    Hope you will understand me one day! Anyway, I alway sense that there’s clear need for us to be frank,sincere and upfront with the national issues and that’s how we can overcomes them.And that’s what I’m telling these guys to at least change and to be who they were before they were intoxicated.

    Look at Mr Quol, he’s very interested in negativitity,and I guess he might be suffering of mentality disorder, otherwise there’s no justification at all for him to continues on this path since those of his likes have now given up.

  • Wunne dohor
    Wunne dohor

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    To Rebelson
    I want to make this clear to you that Kiir is not dictator. FYI I hate Kiir for a simple reason- He cares as if S.Sudan is his family. He would have gone to Unity State and be the one ordering his amries to capture Gadet and any other rebel leader, confusing political opposition party leaders like Lam and Sule. They deserve not to live. Your likes can then remain in hiding and in silence.

    Surely Kiir will come to regret that this is not the best time to gorvern democratically. He should copy examples from other African leaders. Our people are traumatised and need an iron fist to confront them though I am one.

    SPLAs are not peacemakers to be engaged in talk they are national army loyal to Kiir and his government only. Take note.

  • onlysonmabi

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    To the GOSS to stop this practice you need to started by calling the eldest from Murle,chiefs payam administrators commissioner and give them the trianing on the bad results of resulting of some body cattles,
    second thing is to change commissioner by Brigade Joush that person may change the situation for sure.
    why i comment that early in april we the youth of greater upper nile have an CBO which is Greater Upper Nile Peace Initiative (GUNPI) host a conference funded by CRS (Catholic Relief Service in present of Bishop Nathaniel Garang Anyieth and chiefs from Bor and Murle this conference alot of things were discuss and it was held in Gumuruk payam,and now they are doing the same,so my request to Governor is to look and put the strong commissioner in Pibor county

  • Liberator

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    Ibrahim Coulibal was killed by the same rebels groups he allied with that force the ex-president to surrender.

    These were not Laurent Gbagbo forces that killed him

    Your uncle (Salva Kiir) is like Laurent Gbagbo who clings to power until he was forced to have an Hyena Exit from power.

  • Liberator

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    Ibrahim Coulibal(the militia leader) was killed by the same rebels groups he allied with which forced ex-president(Laurent Gbagbo) out of power and surrendered like a thief caught with his hands in cookie jar.

    These were not Laurent Gbagbo forces that killed him

    Your uncle (Salva Kiir) is like Laurent Gbagbo who clings to power until he was forced to have an Hyena Exit from power and surrendered like a thief caught with his hands in cookie jar.

  • Liberator

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei

    Ibrahim Coulibal(the militia leader) was killed by the same rebels groups he allied with which forced ex-president(Laurent Gbagbo) out of power and surrendered like a thief caught with his hands in cookie jar.

    These were not Laurent Gbagbo forces that killed him

    Your uncle (Salva Kiir) is like Laurent Gbagbo who clings to power until he was forced to have an Hyena Exit from power and surrendered like a thief caught with his hands in cookie jar

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    There is No single Dinka that believe in democracy
    Dinka’s are all in there totalities DICTATORS

    Future commando’s SSLA THE ONLY POWER TO REMOVED Dinka’s government very soon
    The only solution to problems replace Dinka’s government with SSLA

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    I got you right Wene,

    President should adopt the same style I witnessed in Kampala today on Opposition leader being harassed and tortured by Government Police of Museveni. That is good sign President should learn and ADOPT. Why does give sanctuary to rebels that destroy Coexistence and harmony. Kill them as Besiege is a wounded Dog roaring for Final kick soon follows deaths.
    Why do we keeps Lam Akol and Riek Machar plus Juba silence Rebel Sule, Am not blaming Gatdat because He learn that amnesty is being over stretch. Common sense apply not all that needs procedures of going to Court and get bailed out while already kills dozens.
    Please hang those rebels if they surrender themselves to our Army SPLA.
    Keep Southern Sudan free from all elements of Violent and Renegades; Take them to Owinyekubul for Interrogation and fire squad them to teaches silence rebel in Juba.
    President should calls urgent message to President Kiir on strategies of Governing in complex and rebellion environment.

    Youth for Developemt of SSudan.
    Wene Kuol,
    Kampala, Ug

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    Dear Kolnyang Youth, You should take advantage on this latest development. You cattle have been looted during Khartuom rein. Now SSPS present is a good and will strengthen your effort of getting mpre from your neighbors
    SSPS will guide all your property and

  • Zekyol

    S. Sudan launches police unit to target cattle rustling in Jonglei
    The killing of Nuer and Dinka Bor every hour,day,month,year by Murle is not because Bor and Nuer are unable to depend themself, there was high committement of Dinka in general and Nuer for the war of liberation people for S.Sudan which was resulting to CPA.
    Now to be cleare let the Murle understand that we are almost through with work that we where followed up, it will be war against you next. and your war will be only one day.

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