Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state

August 19, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan officials say a currency exchange center was attacked in Warrap state, prompting the officials from the Central Bank of South Sudan (CBoSS) to evacuate the money held there to Wau in Western Bahr el Ghazal state.

Men from South Sudan display new currency notes outside the Central Bank of South Sudan in Juba July 18, 2011 (Reuters)
Men from South Sudan display new currency notes outside the Central Bank of South Sudan in Juba July 18, 2011 (Reuters)
The attack which occurred on Thursday left one person dead and two others wounded.

The caretaker minister of information and official spokesman of the government, Barnaba Marial Benjamin, on Friday said the insecurity in Warrap state has affected the currency exchange process in the state.

South Sudan is in the the process of circulating its new currency issued after its independence on July 9.

Benjamin also said that the exchange process has been affected in Uror county of Jonglei state because of the recent revenge attacks by the Murle tribe against the Luo Nuer community in Jonglei state. Uror county has a population of 180,000.

On Friday, Marial told the press that the newly appointed CBoSS Governor Cornelio Koryom Mayik, briefed the Council of Ministers on the progress and challenges the bank has been facing in the currency exchange process.

The official said the attack on the money center was initiated by a local group who are believed to have wanted to steal the money but pretended to be fighting among themselves while moving towards the center. He said some of the wounded attackers have been arrested and are under investigation.

Out of the projected 2.5 billion South Sudanese Pounds believed to be in circulation in South Sudan’s ten states, 1.2 billion has already been exchanged, explained Marial.

However, some of the old currency has not yet been collected and remains in the bank’s branches in the states or in some of the commercial banks, prompting fears for their safety.

CBoSS officials say the money may sit in such locations until the bank establishes a building in which to keep the old currency, pending decision by the government on its fate.

So far over 970 million exchanged Sudanese Pounds has been collected.

Officials expressed the need to also collect the remaining 400 million and keep them under the centralized custody of the Bank of South Sudan in order to avoid any attempt by some to re-circulate the old currency.

The deadline to end the exchange process is set for September 1st 2011.



  • Deng II
    Deng II

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    I do not blaming Warrap State youths trying to rob the money. Its an obvious that children must learned from their leaders. They majority corruptioners of South Government are from Warrap State.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    The government should be careful now with this issue of money exchange in all ten states of Republic of South Sudan with poor polic gaurds,that attack will not be the only one there will be more toward the closing days of exchange.So i ask for awell ever trusted army not police to gaurd the centres of money exchange and even CBoSS.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Deng what is your point here,it’s not about corrupt leaders but about the robbers.do you want say that those who attemp to rob the money are those who are far away from corruption? So they want to compansate their corrupted wealth?If yes then they are adding more apeper(pilpil)to their own injuries,that is not the way to stop corruption.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Dear readers;
    I believe the incident might have happen, but the publisher of this article has no knowledge of what had happened there. This is properly illustrated by the lack of location of the incident, which is also contributing to publishing of wrong words as of “Currency Exchange Center Attacked.”

    There are alot of things going on in Warrap state, like the recent incident which led to death of 15 pple. That alone wasn’t targeting Exchang Centers, but it’s the tribal clashes.

    Therefore, I might say that the exchange center wasn’t attacked but it was the tribal clashes that spread upto that location of the exchange center and Not an attack on the exchange center as the writer put it

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Yes Mr.Deng they learned from them, but blame them for not taking example from Youth of Bor community who didn’t tanish thier leader reputaions but by standing with him in all difficulties of those days, they kept their selfesteems todate. So they ought to do the same.
    They should refrain from greed.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Yes Mr. Deng they learned right from them, but blame them too for not taking example from youth of Bor community who didn’t tarnished their leader’s reputation by keeping thier selfesteems to date so they ought to do the same.

  • Nhomlawda

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Warrap Citizens

    We are now aware keeping Salva Kiir president of South Sudan for long will make you finish yourselves for nothing.

    After 2014, President Salva Kiir has to retire to save you from finishing yourselves.

    This attack on money exchange centre was organized by those marginalized by Kiir Gorgerial Kitchen Cabinet, who wanted to help themselves to be the same with other corrupt fellows within the state even if the attack meant losing some of their community members in the process.

    Shame on you guys.

  • Nhom wadit
    Nhom wadit

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Brother, not everybody is corrupted in Warrap state but mostly nuer are corruptioners 1000000 times together with their leader Prof.Riek Machar rather than you call him Dr. What Dr. with empty mine.

  • Nhomlawda

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Nhom wadit

    In English system, Prof. is higher than Dr. So you want Riek Machar to be called Professor, you are promoting him a step higher, contrary to what you think should be done on his title.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Warrap State need get shame, you have your son as a Pesident and you trying to embarrassing him. Your behavior nature indicated in President the way he run the country with so corrupt and theft.
    We Dinka, we doom our country as a number one stealing the country resources. Our good reputation of liberating the country are tarnishing by Warrat buffoon/noddy/lunatics/greedy/theft, and so on.
    Shame on Warrat theft.

  • man koryom
    man koryom

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Those who robbed money are ones who are poor in that community since everyone else seem to be rich from public funds——-hello

  • choldit

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state

    Our brother Nhom wadit is a wrong commentator in that post in any sentence. When did Nuer become corrupters?

    Yes, the Nuer are feeding the South Sudan with thier oil from Bentiu and Upper Nile states but their hands are tighted at their back by Salva Kirr and our other Dinka men and women in the govt.

    Dinkas can be blame for corruption in term of reesponsibility and accountability from conception to current stage of the South Sudan nation.

    So, let stop being naive and blame others for our mistakes.

  • Josh

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Indeed sharing country with Dinka is evil. the way they behave is evil. nothing more i can say.

  • syklops1

    Currency exchange center attacked in Warrap state
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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