Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

US is not supportive of a no-fly-zone in Sudan: envoy

September 12, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — United States special envoy to Sudan, Princeton Lyman said his country has no intention to push for the imposition of a no-fly-zone in the Blue Nile or other regions where the government forces fight against rebel groups.

Ambassador Princeton Lyman (AP)
Ambassador Princeton Lyman (AP)
Rebel groups in Blue Nile, Darfur and Southern Kordofan called for a no fly zone in the three region accusing the Sudanese air force of bombing civilians in the three regions.

“I can not say that the United States or anyone else is prepared to enforce a no-fly zone in Sudan. That would take us into a confrontational situation in Sudan,” said Lyman in an interview with Radio Dabanga on Monday.

He further pointed out that the US efforts are focusing on the resumption of negotiations between the Sudanese parties . “Whereas our efforts are concentrated in getting the parties back to the negotiating table and an end to the fighting and that’s where we are putting all our efforts now”.

However, Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) said today it refuses any international mediation to negotiate with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) to end the armed conflict in Blue Nile.

NCP secretary of political contacts al-Haj Adam Youssef told the government sponsored media SMC that the western powers seek through these initiatives to allow the SPLM-N to reorganise its troops and be prepared for new attacks to overthrow the regime.

Lyman said they are working with the UN and the African Union to hold talks between the government and the SPLM-N over a number of issues that need to be addressed by the two parties.

He said they are “trying to get those negotiations restarted at the earliest possible time”.

President Omer al-Bashir early in July rejected a framework agreement to end the fight in Southern Kordofan between the two parties on 28 June. He said the SPLM should negotiate directly with the government without any international meditation.

Speaking about Darfur, the special envoy criticized calls by rebel groups to overthrow the government as solution for the conflict.

“We do not believe that a commitment to overthrowing the regime is a sensible stand for the parties or the armed movements to take,” he pinpointed. He also said he advised the rebel groups to “articulate a political platform and to engage in negotiations with the government on Darfur.”

The envoy also reiterated that the Washington Forum, scheduled for 27-28 September, aims to give an opportunity to the different parties to express themselves “And that we will be able to discuss among ourselves and have a better understanding of what the points of view are and what are the obstacles to further negotiations”.

Khartoum blames Washington for not removing the Sudan from the list of states sponsoring terror and maintaining the economic sanctions despite the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the independence of South Sudan.

The Sudanese officials also say that the US administration remains inert despite the obvious military and material support provided by Juba government to the SPLM-N and Darfur rebels.



  • DeltaBravo

    US is not supportive to a no-fly-zone in Sudan – Lyman
    Such a losers they only focus on their interest and they don’t see innocences Civilian are getting killed day and night. Why they rush to over throw Gaddafi. United States under Obama administration is suck. I will never Vote for anymore. They bribe this idiot that is why he talk like they were pointing gun on him. Money talk they say.

  • Sundayw

    US is not supportive to a no-fly-zone in Sudan – Lyman
    There is no oil to be gained and no need to waste resources in Sudan and therefore the West will not do anything. Look, this is the same West that watched while Rwanda and Darfur faced genocide but did nothing. However, when a few Libyans rose up against Gadhafi and a dozen got killed, the West went to the UN and got a license to bomb Libya to stone age. Now that is what is called moral bankruptcy.

    Lyman is lying about the real intention of the West. They see nothing worth saving in Kordofan, Darfur and Blue Nile States. Never trust the West to do anything.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    US is not supportive of a no-fly-zone in Sudan: Lyman
    Oh, yee ; we just discovered that they stand only by their interest! Wake up guys; you have just being following them blindly and still you do!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    US is not supportive of a no-fly-zone in Sudan: Lyman
    Though the USA and other UNSC members State have legal responsibility to stop a mass killing wherever it might occur in the world, the self-entrusted Veto-power hold by these countries has been clearly misused by them.

    However, the regional Organisations such as African Union (AU) has the same legal and moral responsibility of stopping the suffering of the civilians such as what is happening in the new South of Sudan.

    To show respect to human lives and full responsibility, AU must take up the issue to UNSC, let it be killed by Russians or Chinese Vetos. Doing just that can convince an ordinary person like myself that the AU is doing it’s legal and moral job.

    If the AU take the responsibility to save the fleeing Blue Nile and South Kordofan citizens, then Mr Lyman and his country can choose to support, or oppose it.

    Help and protection of African civilians must come from within Africa. AU must learn from Arab League in regard to the Libyan conflict.

  • Sundayw

    US is not supportive of a no-fly-zone in Sudan: Lyman
    No one is following the West blindly. They have their interest and we have ours. Sometimes those interest don’t overlap and sometimes they do. When they overlap, that is when you assume we are following the West.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    US is not supportive of a no-fly-zone in Sudan: Lyman
    The position of the US to Sudan is obvious but the problems between the US and Sudan depend with the US special Envoy to Sudan. If Lyman said that it is true. Graton former US Special Envoy to Sudan did the same. How can the US respond to Sudan massive killing if the US Special Envoy who is an American eye see killing in two states as normal? Yes, there is no oil in Sudan and even the oil South Sudan is proud of, is nothing according to US policy. However, our strong hold is based on our fertile soil,our Savannah and trophical trees and vast animals resources plus the Nile water. These are factors US could have much interest on South Sudan.

    Khartuom blames us of arming the SPLA-N but the NCP failed to see that SPLA-N was not recently armed or rearmed. Those arms in SPLA-N possession were their old arms and the fact is that there is no any Chapter in the CPA for the SPLA-South to disarm the SPLA-N. If there was such this is where the Juba Government could be blamed. Right now there is nothing like that.

    It is the Khartuom that is fully arming everybody in the Southern regions.
    By Khartuom declaring war in the Southern regions is a nightmare. Bandits in any country alone have not been quelled down by any stable Government.

    For example LRA in Uganda is a threat to other Countries and the Government has not put an end to their rebellion or Threats. What about those of Adam Hilu and Malik Agaar, most experience fighters and well organised? What are the high chances for Khartuom Government to defeat them? That is total nonsenses. Khartuom will regret later if the matter increases and will result to serious amputation of North Sudan which Late Dr. John Garang narrated to Ali Osman Taha in Naivasha during peace negotiation. I still have that story in my mind. I am waiting anxiously to see that vision of Garang to come to fulfilment. The amputations is literly understood to affect South Kordofan and Blue Niles. Those tow regions are the tiny and sharp point of a thorn which NCP failed to recognise. Believe me. Amputation will be carried out at any zero hour.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    US is not supportive to a no-fly-zone in Sudan – Lyman
    No Way will US stand and watch Civilians being massacre by Khartuom yet Not imposing NO FLY ZONE, what is special with Bashir Government.

    We need George Bush Now to justify the Causes of human suffering in Blue NILE AND Southern Kordufan.

    Another Genocide to watch!!!!!!!!!! I don’t Believe in that…..Take Action or wait and whole population will be driven from theirs Home being termed as Rebels and Massacre.

    David Sin,


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