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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan

November 5, 2011 (JUBA) — President Salva Kiir Mayadrit has discussed human rights, peace and security in South Sudan, with the new UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous, who dedicated his first trip to Khartoum and Juba where the UN has three operations.

Before the start of his visit to the two east African countries, Ladsous briefed the Security Council twice about the UN peacekeeping force in Abyei and reported that Khartoum and Juba did not redeploy their forces from the disputed region.

In a meeting he held with the vice-president Riek Machar on Thursday, the French diplomat discussed the situation in Blue Nile, South Kordofan and the rebel movements in the newly established country.

Ladsous, who met Kiir on Saturday in Akon Warrap state, reaffirmed UN readiness to support the recently established country of South Sudan in its efforts for security, human rights, peace and democracy.

“I wanted to have an exchange with the President about the general situation to confirm to him that the United Nations are ready, always in all circumstances, to help in building the State, in developing human rights and democracy, and also to help in the relationship between the south and the north,” he said after the meeting.

The UN official who described his meeting with Kiir as constructive said he was keen to hear a first-hand assessment of the challenges facing the UNMISS, UNISFA and UNAMID of Darfur region.

“We have to make progress on the protection of the civilians who find themselves in regions of conflict and violence. We have to push the peace process in Darfur. We have to watch very carefully and encourage Khartoum and Juba to further work on the relationship between the two countries.”

The top United Nations official for peacekeeping operations has visited South Sudan to discuss with the leadership the general security situation in the newly founded independent state and Abyei.

Herve Ladsous discussed on Juba on Thursday met with South Sudan’s Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, and discussed the situations in South Sudan, Abyei, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile.

In his meeting with South Sudan’s Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, Ladsous discussed the ongoing disarmament process in South Sudan as well as challenges the government faces in the wake of armed rebellions in the region.

According to the Press Secretary in the Office of the Vice President, James Gatdet Dak, the meeting also reiterated the need to fully deploy the 4,200 Ethiopian United Nations peacekeeping forces in Abyei.

This is to provide security and stability which would make it possible for the Abyei refugees to return back to their villages. Only 2700 UN troops are deployed in the areas of Agok, Defra and Abyei town.

On the situation in the two areas of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains, the Vice President dismissed Khartoum’s allegations that South Sudan supports the rebellions in the two areas, arguing that the SPLM-North and the SPLM in South Sudan were officially disengaged after the referendum for secession this year.

He told the UN official that Khartoum is instead the one creating and supporting militia groups against the government in South Sudan.

Machar however stressed the importance of building good relations with the Republic of Sudan and maintaining security in order to promote free movement and trade along the 2000km common border between the two countries.

The meeting also discussed the implementation of the UN mandate for peace keeping mission in South Sudan and the importance of sensitising the people about it.




    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    This is really a bad one from Salva Kiir. How come for Salva Kiir to voice on security in the South Sudan, and leave the problem of Abyei, Nuba Mountain and the fall of Kurmuk in hand of Khartoum Government. Do we Southern Sudanese believe that Salva Kiir Miyardit will over-come Omar Bashir? I think Salva Kiir might be bribed by Omar Bashir.This is the way how arab over-come the weak-minded leader

  • akot

    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    people fight to win not to lose Mr Deng, first of all we don’t have enough weapons. secondly Southern Sudanese are not united, so how can we go to war

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Mr. Augustino Deng,

    You need to be extremely careful with your loose allegations against the President of South Sudan. You have the right of free speech, but you have no right to abuse and acting stupid. Your argument diminish your intellect to a point you become nonsense. Your blatant accusations might not be good for your health.




    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Dear Elijah B.Elkan,
    First of all, I am not a woman, but a man. I know for sure that those whose mind are blocked like you are the people who stand on someone without knowing the weakness of someone. Salva Kiir is a weak leader and I can repeat no matter what. If you are married by Salva Kiir, then it is okay, but put in mind that Salva Kiir is nothing at all.

    By Augustino Deng.


    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Dear Mr Akot,
    “If you said that Southern Sudanese are not united”,then why Salva Kiir Miyardit don’t talk about unification instead of telling lie about security? “Also, you said that Southern Sudanese don’t have enough weapons” In 1983, we southern Sudanese started fighting with arabs, and arabs didn’t defeated us. Where do you think the Southern Sudanese get weapons?

    By Augustino Deng.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Mr. Augustino Deng, Sure you have the right to your opinion, but it does not make you right. I don’t believe you know him personally, otherwise you will not be calling him names. Disrespecting president, it does not help your argument. As a matter of facts it makes you looks insignificant in any debate. Use your intelligent/and respect others instead of getting personal.


    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Mr Elijah B. Alkan,
    Thanks for your reply.I think this is not the first time to know Salva Kiir.I know Salva Kiir since I was in Tharpam in 1987 until today.One thing you have to know is that, president has to be respected when he know what he is doing.
    Salva Kiir is a lucky guy, but I can tell you that if you supported him,then you will be like someone who supported a thief.
    By Augustino Deng.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Kiir and Ladsous discuss security in South Sudan and peace with Sudan
    Dear Mr. Augustino Deng,

    You don’t have to answer this question if don’t have to. Why do you think the President is weak?. Please explain …. I am not here to challenge your intelligent, but I need you to give brief history of what President is doing wrong or doing right. And don’t ask the President to go war with north Sudan, to prove your point.



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