Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan


By Jimmy Onge Aremo

South Sudan in the past was a land of hope, love, joy and dignity. Today it has become a place of destruction, corruption and hate. Many Nations were friendly to her, but today that respect is lost because of our deeds. We have lost respect because of our actions. The word forgiveness, sorry is no longer there in South Sudan but atrocities and all the bad deeds have replaced the good one. Let us reconsider our action so that we go back to all good days.

Many people are treated badly and are with tears and no one to comfort them.
Cruel people need power and in the process they kill their own fathers, mothers and children. Why should we really hurt the feeling of our people who have suffered long time in the hand of Jalaba? We need services to be provided and not death. Is it better those have died before we have achieved our Independence because of the evil we are committing today?

When are we going to embrace love we South Sudanese? Do we think the evil things we are doing in this world will be to our advantage or disadvantage?
When I was young, those of William Deng, Nhial Philip Pidak, Pangrasio Ochieng, Joseph Oduho, Akwot Atem, Gordon Murtat, Ezboni Mundirri, Samuel Abujon and George Kwanai quarrelled in the morning but in the evening they were together but today we settle dispute with gunshots.

In the 60s and 70s, our elders knew and called themselves by names but today we referrer to each other as Lado the Barri, Chol the Dinka, Duoth the Nuer, etc.
We are digressing in thinking instead of progressing. When are we going to stop this Stone Age behaviour so that once again South Sudan becomes a place of milk and honey and not multiple grave yards?

Our leaders, elders, youth and women let us embrace peaceful coexistence, we should believe in amicable settlement of disputes and learn to be calm, tolerant, patient and above all be patriotic and loyal to our country, South Sudan.
God come to our rescue.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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