Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Beni Amer march for peaceful coexistence in Port Sudan

Participants in the White Banners procession arrive in Port Sudan from Kassala on 1 September 2019 (ST photo)
Participants in the White Banners procession arrive in Port Sudan from Kassala on 1 September 2019 (ST photo)

September 1, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – Hundreds of people in majority Beni Amer arrived on Sunday to Port Sudan from Kassala after walking some 600 km, chanting slogans denouncing tribalism and promoting social peace.

The White Banners march for peaceful coexistence between Sudanese from different ethnic groups in Port Sudan was organized by Beni Amer youth to show their condemnation for the recent intercommunal clashes.

At least 37 people have been killed during the clashes in Port Sudan in the two last week, between the Beni Amer and Nuba tribes.

The march is a popular initiative in support of the government efforts to end the tribal fighting in the eastern city.

The marchers chanted slogans like “Nuba and Beni Amer are brothers in one Sudan” “This our country and Sudan our tribe” and ” You arrogant and conspirator we are all Nuba and Beni Amer”.

The procession for peaceful coexistence was welcomed at the entrance of the city out by another march held by the Ambassador of Goodwill and singer Sidi Doshka before to heading together to the Union of Writers and Artists where they organized a public meeting in favour of coexistence and national cohesion.

The Forces for Freedom and Change condemned the clashes between the two tribes and accused the Counterrevolution and supporters of the former regime of igniting the clashes.

The Sovereign Council, for its part, sacked Red Sea governor and the state director of the intelligence service for security laxity and failure to take the needed measures to stop the fighting and arrest the perpetrators of the attacks.


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