Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s ministers end work boycott over sacking

Nejib_al-Khari_Abdel_Wahab-3.jpgKHARTOUM, Oct 15 (AFP) — Six Sudanese ministers have ended a work boycott after President Omar al-Beshir agreed to negotiate over the sacking of Sudan’s second vice president, who also heads the ministers’ party, one of the six told AFP on Friday.

The ministers from the Umma Party for Reform and Renewal, which is part of the government coalition, started their boycott after Beshir dismissed party leader Mubarak al-Mahdi from his post of second vice president on October 6.

State Foreign Minister Naguib al-Khair Abdel Wahab [photo], one of the group, said ministers and other party executives holding senior positions in the Khartoum administration “returned to their offices
on Thursday”.

Abdel Wahab said a joint committee had been set up to look into
the issue of the UPRR leader’s dismissal in a way that would
preserve Beshir’s “prestige as president” and Mahdi’s “dignity as
chairman of a political party”.

He said that the political and executive partnership between the
UPRR and the president’s National Congress party would continue.

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