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Sudan Tribune

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Al-Burhan grants regional autonomy for Sudan’s Two Areas

Al-Burhan speaks in a meeting with the government and FFC negotiating delegations in Juba on 22 Feb 2020 (ST photo)
Al-Burhan speaks in a meeting with the government and FFC negotiating delegations in Juba on 22 Feb 2020 (ST photo)
June 20, 2021 (KHARTOUM) – The Chairman of the Sovereign Council in Sudan, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, on Sunday issued a constitutional decree granting self-government powers for the Two Areas of the Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

The decision is in line with the terms of the Juba Peace Agreement signed between the government and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) on October 3, 2020.

“The President of the Sovereign Council issued a “constitutional decree establishing an administrative system for the Two Areas in accordance with the peace agreement,” reads a statement released by the Ministry of Local Government on Sunday.

The statement said that the Minister of Local Government Buthaina Ibrahim Dinar informed the states and the federal ministries of the decision.

“The Parties agree that without prejudice to the unity of Sudan’s people and territory, the exclusive, joint or residual powers agreed upon in this Agreement, the Two Areas shall enjoy autonomy by which they shall exercise the powers stipulated in this Agreement”, provides the Juba peace agreement on the system of governance in the Two Areas.


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