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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 23, 2011 (ABYEI) – A key member of the South’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) on Wednesday refuted media reports that his party is hostile to other political parties in the region, saying they are equal partners in the government and political activities, which bind them together.

Daniel Awet Akot (ST)
Daniel Awet Akot (ST)

Radio Omdurman, quoted an anonymous southern political, on February 22, of accusing the SPLM of being hostile to other political leaders and their members, especially Members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) of Lam Akol and the United Democratic Party (UDP) of Tong Lual Ayat.

“We are not hostile to any political party and their Members anywhere in the region. We treat other political parties and their members as our equal partners either in the executive or legislative”, said Daniel Awet Akot who is a deputy speaker of the Juba based South Sudan Legislative Assembly.

“In the parliament we are equal members of parliament and equal cabinet members in the council of ministers. There is no subordination and subjugation,” he said.

Awet is a member of the SPLM political bureau, the highest political organ in the party.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Wednesday, Awet, challenged Radio Omdurman to mention the place in which the incident occurred.

“They even failed to mention the place where the reported incident took place and also refused to name the name of the political leader or member”, said Awet. He described the report run by Radio Omdurman as false and malicious and that it is calculation and propaganda by enemies of peace to create chaos and disunity among political leaders in the South.

“This is truly a false report. It is a clear propaganda concocted by media in the north used by enemies of peace and unity of south Sudanese because they are not happy with our stability and the overwhelming votes cast by our citizens to separate from them during referendum. They never expected that our people would put behind their differences and voted for separation. They never thought of that at all”, said Awet.

“It is clearly a false report because if it is not concocted report why does not even refer to the political leader it claimed to have complained of SPLM being hostile to other political parties or place where it occurred, asked Awet, before adding in description that relationships between SPLM and other political parties as “very good”.

“Members from other political parties in the parliament now with us are getting equal treatment with our members. As a deputy speaker, I have never received any complaints from members of the political parties that they are getting different treatment. They are getting equal with our members and they are our co-operating partners. We have been working with them to successful conduct of the referendum as agreed in the all southern Sudan political conference held in Juba in 13-17 October, 2010″, he explained.

The official said the SPLM, under South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir, is enjoying massive support in the region, much to the disappointment of the northern political parties whom he said never wanted the south to unanimously vote for separation.

“No wonder the northern political parties including the National Congress Party did not expect the South to unanimously vote for separation. They thought they would use some of them to their advantage by making chaos. They had forgotten that leaders from all southern political parties in October spoke one voice to the support the successful conduct of the referendum”, said Awet.

He said the journalist who runs the story in question did not even bother to contact the SPLM leadership in the north to clarify what the purported sources claimed.

The senior member of the southern ruling party said in line with natural justice and professional journalism, the reporter should have at least confirmed the story with the SPLM office in Khartoum before it was published.

“They should be factual instead of creating stories to show that the political situation in South Sudan is bad for the SPLM. How can the national radio attribute the story to anonymous sources”?

“This only shows that they want to support the chaos in the south at all costs. But to me this is a sign of desperation and they should just go back to the drawing board on how to improve relations with the south,” he said.

He said the story is “nothing but a blatant lie aimed at disorganizing the SPLM in the region ahead of this year’s preparation for declaration of the independence of south Sudan from the north”.

While attempts to reach Lam Akol, the leader of the SPLM-DC failed, Tong Lual Ayat, the leader of the United Democratic Party, in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune denied experiencing hostile relationships with the SPLM and having had any interview with journalists from Radio Omdurman over the issue.

“At the moment, our relations with the SPLM do not suggest any political concern. We are running our political activities and there are no interruptions, at least at the moment. We also did not have any interview with journalists from Radio Omdurman. Neither me, nor any senior member from the party had an interview with them. I think it was an accidental mentioning. They need to clarify that”, said Ayat.

South Sudanese voted overwhelmingly in favor of secession from the North in a referendum in January, several years after decades of devastating conflicts.

The vote was part of the 2005 signed by National Congress Party and the former rebels, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement. The deal allowed the South to conduct a referendum to decide the future of the region.



  • Thonkiir

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    I cannot even understand what General Awet Akot trying to say. Just talked like a lady this is not way of politicians spoke while he is just pretended to be in duty speaker position with negative mind what the hell is this?

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    There is no wonder, this ill of pro nassir gangster accusation will never leave south a lone if we keep this nyagateen in the south.
    You can just see them today in juba but their head is in Khartoum those opposition memeber of south sudan parliement are not really opposition., they are groups of selves working for bashir.
    And by the way who care of them being tread hostility?
    event their leader riek machar is less important because of his weak selve heard.
    shame on them
    This lost Dinka so called lual will die miser follow food lover will backfire you lual

  • Lorolokin

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    We will not allow SPLA-DC to play dirty politics in Southern Sudan,We are tired of Lame Akol. let Akol go to his uncle El-basher to khartoum.there is no room for him in the Nation of Southern Sudan.

    Long Live Southern Suadn.
    May God bless Southern Sudan.
    May God bless Our Leaders.
    In Christ Jesus Name I prayed.


  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    Advice to H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit,

    First congratulations for successfully uniting the people of South Sudan since 2005 and leading them to referendum successfully, despite some ups and downs on the way.

    The strategy that was used by the majority separatists to turn the ship around to independence through self-determinnationn while in the process killing the so-called new sudan vision of keeping sudan united was beyong the little minds of both the internal and external unionists.

    I am happy that the south voted for separation thought some caused internal killings resisting the call for self-determination in the past. History may not forget their arab minded mentality trying to kill separation.

    Now we are an independent country and thanks to those who engineered this final destiny.

    The coming period is very complicated. It is a scientific path, not literally a political path of propaganda. We need serious and knowledgeable leaders to guide it.

    You know if I were the closest and most trusted advisor to His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, I would have advised him to step down. Why? Because I would not want him to be embarrassed by the upcoming situation he will have difficulty to understand and then mess up his good contribution.

    Since the death of John Garang in 2005, Salva Kiir began to unite the people of South Sudan starting with the forces of General Paulino Matip, which Garang failed to do.

    Then Salva Kiir successfully brought the people of South Sudan to referendum. He would have a good history if he stops here.

    Of course there are some negative aspects of the six years of his leadership. But the beginning and the end of it can dominate the overview of it.

    But if he continues, then some other negative situations may arise and be attributed to his leadership. The upcoming period is very complicated.

    Please, his good advisors, can you advise him to step down and hand over to his deputy, Dr. Riek Machar.

    Nelson Mandella did it when he governed South Africa after removing the apartheid. His good advisors advised him not continue for another term because the challenges which were coming up would have overshadowed his leadership and people would begin to criticise him and forget about his past contributions to the liberation of South Africa from Apartheid.

    He listened to them in order to save his good history and not spoil it.

    Salva Kiir would say, well I have united the people of South Sudan from 2005 and took them to referendum successfully. That would be great history which began well in 2005 and can end well in 2011.

    Let him leave the toughest part of internal wrangles over governance with political parties and final war with the North to his deputy, Riek Machar.

  • Sam.Eto

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties

  • Nhomlawda

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    Koang and Historical Boy,
    We the great Monyjang are not blind followers of any leader. We respect and give our leaders good time to enjoy ruling us. We tell them in their faces when they are wrong and advise them to go the right way as desire by the majority of their subjects. John Garang was a wise leader with clear vision we all believe in. We followed him and his vision from the start of SPLM/A in 1983 till to the completion of liberation of South Sudan in 2005. Salva Kiir works tirelessly for John Garang and SPLM/A without a dream of replacing him one day. This is a great honor to have such a humble and hardworking leader in time of need. It is only the great Monyjang who can tell Salva Kiir to give up power to anyone patriotic and anointed by the great Monyjang to rule South Sudan but not traitors telling us what to do. Salva Kiir deserves to rule South Sudan until all Nuer and other brainless traitors could not remember the name of great and the most disgraced traitors quack Drs. Riek Machar and Lam Akol.
    We the great Monyjang are not against anybody or community in South Sudan but we carry a big stick to discipline anyone threatening peace and Dinkanization process of South Sudan. For those who do not know Dinkanization project. It is a national project based on the principles of peaceful coexistence, love of one another, patriotism, small diversity of cultures, hard work, ready to sacrifice for freedom of motherland should aggressor attack, and use of intelligent senses to judge better responses in any situation other than emotional senses that make people to chose wrong path and responses such as in case of 1991 Riek Machar and Lam Akol coup and their eventual surrender unconditionally to the enemy leaving the great leader and his team to bring joy to all South Sudanese including the disgraced weak-hearted traitors who had surrendered earlier in the course of liberation.
    May God bless the Great Monyjang, his land (South Sudan) and others He had entrusted to his dominion.

  • Raan

    SPLM refutes hostility to other political southern parties
    omondi atari, what mind you of historical boy suggesting this brilliant Idea, the historical boy have done good to sell the Idea to advisory to the H,E kiir, we want people contribution, bringing in new Idea for the better future of our nation including you as you always commend good thing, the suggestion was good for people like H,E president to own the history, than to vote him out and forget about the good thing that he did in the past, don’t ever run made because he Brought in nelson mandele history, unless the debate for such matter has been on in august house for you to insult friend by pointing his Nuer primitiveness with a shield on his eyes.

    jikany are so keen watching.

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